prof. dr hab. Jacek Jassem

Wersja polska

Kierownik Katedry i Kliniki Onkologii i Radioterapii


Prof. dr hab. Jacek Jassem
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Miejsce pracy: budynek 4, parter, pok. 7   

Profesor zwyczajny Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Kierownik Katedry i Kliniki Onkologii i Radioterapii, specjalista w dziedzinie radioterapii onkologicznej i onkologii klinicznej.

Specjalista w dziedzinie radioterapii i onkologii klinicznej. Autor ponad 500 publikacji w czasopismach naukowych w kraju i za granicą, autor i współautor kilkunastu podręczników krajowych i zagranicznych oraz kilkuset doniesień zjazdowych. Główne zainteresowania naukowe: rak płuca, rak piersi, biologia molekularna nowotworów, zdrowie publiczne. Po ukończeniu studiów spędził 6 tygodni na stażu naukowym w Karolinska Hospital w Sztokholmie, a w latach 1989-1990 przebywał jako visiting professor w Netherlands Cancer Institute w Amsteradmie. Członek komitetów redakcyjnych kilkunastu czasopism medycznych w kraju i za granicą. Laureat licznych nagród naukowych w kraju i za granicą, w tym prestiżowych: nagrody Prezydenta miasta Wiednia za działalność innowacyjną w dziedzinie onkologii , nagrody im. Sobolewskich Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego, nagrody Prezesa Rady Ministrów (2009), Nagrody im Josepha Cullena Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa do Badań nad Rakiem Płuca (IASLC) oraz Nagrody Naukowej Miasta Gdańska im. Jana Heweliusza (2010).

Były przewodniczący Grupy Raka Piersi, skarbnik i członek Zarządu Europejskiej Organizacji do Badań nad Rakiem (EORTC), największej organizacji badawczej w dziedzinie onkologii w Europie. Przewodniczący Środkowoeuropejskiej Grupy Onkologicznej (CEEOG), członek Zarządu Europejskiego Towarzystwa Onkologii Klinicznej (ESMO), były członek Zarządu Europejskiego Towarzystwa Radioterapii Onkologicznej (ESTRO), ekspert Europejskiej Agencji do Badania Produktów Medycznych (EMA), były prezes Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego (PTO), członek Zarządu Fundacji Polskiej Ligi Walki z Rakiem. Członek-korespondent Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, członek honorowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego i Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej. Koordynator wdrażania Strategii Walki z Rakiem w Polsce 2015-2024.

Obecne miejsce zatrudnienia

Profesor zwyczajny Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, Kierownik Katedry i Kliniki Onkologii i Radioterapii, kierownik i ordynator Kliniki Onkologii i Radioterapii Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Klinicznego w Gdańsku.

Do góry






Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku




Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku

doktor n. med.



Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku

dr hab. n. med.



Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku




Do góry

Doświadczenie zawodowe




Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku

Staż podyplomowy


Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku



Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku



Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku

profesor nadzwyczajny


Akademia Medyczna w Gdańsku/
Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny


od 1996

Do góry

Staże i szkolenia


Radiumhemmet, Sztokholm, Szwecja, 6 tygodni


Centrum Onkologii - Instytut im. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie, Warszawa, 4 tygodnie


The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Holandia, 1 rok (jako visiting professor)


The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Holandia, 4 tygodnie (jako visiting professor)

Do góry

Osiągnięcia naukowe

  • Ponad 500 publikacji w czasopismach naukowych w Polsce i za granicą, podręczników, manuskryptów i rozdziałów w książkach (poniżej lista wybranych publikacji). 12670 cytowań (z wyłączeniem autocytowań, h-indeks 42 (dane wg bazy Web of Science z 25 sierpnia 2016 r.).
  • Aktualny i były członek komitetów redakcyjnych ponad 20 czasopism naukowych, w tym Lancet Oncology, European Journal of Cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Cancer Treatment Reviews, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Future Oncology.
  • Przyznane patenty:
  1. Skrzypski M, Jassem J. WO/2011/014083. Determination of the risk of distant metastases in surgically treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer in stage I-IIIA.
  2. Jassem J, Skrzypski M. 20120309638. Markers and methods for determining risk of distant recurrence of non-small cell lung cancer in stage I-IIIA patients.
  • 9 złożonych wniosków patentowych.

Do góry

Nagrody i wyróżnienia


Nagrody naukowe Ministra Zdrowia(łącznie 11 wyróznień)


Nagrody naukowe Rektora Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, d. Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku (łącznie 16 wyróżnień)


Nagroda im. Sobolewskich Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego


Nagroda naukowa Prezydenta m. Wiednia za innowacyjne badania w onkologii


Nagroda naukowa Premiera RP


Złota Odznaka fundacji "Promocja Zdrowia"


Nagroda naukowa Prezydenta m. Gdańska im. Jana Heweliusza


"Człowiek Roku" w plebiscycie gazety Polska The Times


Nagroda "Wybitny Polak" fundacji "Teraz Polska"


Lider konkursu Sukces Roku w Ochronie Zdrowia - Liderzy Medycyny


Lider "Listy Stu" najbardziej wpływowych osób w polskiej ochronie zdrowia


Nagroda Josepha W. Cullena - Prevention/Early Detection Award Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa do Badań nad Rakiem Płuca (IASLC)

Do góry

Członkostwo w organizacjach

od 1984

Europejska Organizacja Badań i Leczenia Raka (EORTC)


Przewodniczący Grupy Raka Piersi EORTC


Członek Komitetu Wykonawczego EORTC


Skarbnik EORTC

od 1992

Europejskie Towarzystwo Radioterapii i Onkologii (ESTRO)


Członek Zarządu ESTRO

od 1983

Grupa Onkologiczna Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (CEEOG)

od 1996

Przewodniczący CEEOG

od 1986

Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Badań nad Rakiem Płuca (IASLC)


Przewodniczący Komitetu Statutowego IASLC


Przewodniczący-elekt Komitetu Antytytoniowego IASLC

od 1975

Polskie Towarzystwo Onkologiczne


Przewodniczący Zarządu Głównego PTO


Członek honorowy PTO

od 1994

Polskie Towarzystwo Radioterapii Onkologicznej


Wiceprzewodniczący PTRO

od 1998

Amerykańskie Towarzystwo Onkologii Klinicznej (ASCO)


Przewodniczący programu International Development and Education Award ASCO


Przewodniczący Komitetu Międzynarodowego ASCO


Przewodniczący 4 Europejskiej Konferencji Raka Piersi, Hamburg


Wykładowca i kierownik kursów szkoleniowych ESTRO (czterokrotnie)


Wykładowca Europejskiej Szkoły Onkologii (sześciokrotnie)


Członek Rady Naukowej Centrum Onkologii - Insytutu im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie

od 2004

European Medicines Agency (EMEA), ekspert zewnętrzny

od 2008

European Cancer Organization (ECCO), członek Komitetu Edukacyjnego

od 2008

Europejskie Towarzystwo Onkologii Klinicznej (ESMO)

od 2014

Członek Zarządu ESMO

od 2011

Członek European Academy of Cancer Sciences

od 2013

Członek Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności


Honorowy członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Onkologicznej

Do góry

Promocja zdrowia publicznego oraz nauki

  • Liczne wystąpienia w mediach publicznych na temat roli nauki w rozwoju ochrony zdrowia oraz onkologii
  • Współautor dwóch edukacyjnych filmów o tematyce onkologicznej
  • Liczne wystąpienia, wykłady oraz udział w publicznych debatach
  • Inicjatywy związane z popularyzacją nauki (“Otwarte drzwi”, “Dzień nauki”, koncerty, parady, itp.)
  • Złota odznaka fundacji "Promocja Zdrowia" (2006)
  • Autor projektu nowelizacji ustawy o ochronie zdrowia przed następstwami używania tytoniu i wyrobów tytoniowych (zakaz palenia w miejscach publicznych od 2010 r.)
  • Twórca i koordynator Letniej Akademii Onkologicznej dla Dziennikarzy (od 2012 r.)
  • Koordynator prac nad „Strategią Walki z Rakiem w Polsce 2015-2024”
  • Inicjator powstania Fundacji "Polska Liga Walki z Rakiem", członek Zarządu Fundacji od 2015 r.

Do góry

Wybrane publikacje pełnotekstowe od 2005 r. (w porządku chronologicznym)

  1. N. B. Leighl, L. Paz-Ares, J.-Y. Douillard, Ch. Peschel, A. Arnold, A. Depierre, A. Santoro, D. C. Betticher, U. Gatzemeier, J. Jassem, J. Crawford, D. Tu, A. Bezjak, J. S. Humphrey, M. Voi, S. Galbraith, K. Hann, L. Seymour, F. A. Shepherd. Randomized phase III study of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor BMS-275291 in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin in advanced non–small-cell lung cancer: National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Study BR.18. J Clin Oncol 2005; 23: 2831-2839.
  2. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, C. Boltze, K. H. Wiedorn, R. Dworakowski, J. Skokowski, K. Jaśkiewicz, E. Częstochowska. Absence of prognostic significance of p21WAF1/CIP1 protein expression in non-small cell lung cancer. Acta Oncol 2005; 44: 75-79.
  3. E. J. Majdak, J. Dębniak, T. Milczek, C. J. Cornelisse, P. Devilee, J. Emerich, J. Jassem, G.H. de Bock. Prognostic impact of BRCA1 pathogenic and BRCA1/2 uclassified variant mutation in patients with ovarian cancer. Cancer 2005; 104: 1004-1012.
  4. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, A. Karmolinski, R. Dworakowski, T. Wirth, M. Gruchala, A. Rynkiewicz, J. Skokowski, S. Yla-Herttuala, K. Jaśkiewicz, E. Częstochowska. Clinical significance of apoptotic index in non-small cell lung cancer: correlation with p53, mdm2, pRb and p21WAF1/CIP1 protein expression. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2005; 131: 617-623.
  5. O. Feher, P. Vodvarka, J. Jassem, G. Morack, S. H. Advani, K. S. Khoo, D. C. Doval, S. Ermisch, D. Roychowdhury, M. A. Miller & G. von Minckwitz. First-line gemcitabineversus epirubicin in postmenopausal women aged 60 or older with metastatic breast cancer: a multicenter,randomized, phase III study. Ann Oncol 2005; 16: 899–908.
  6. E. Senkus-Konefka, R. Dziadziuszko, E. Bednaruk-Młyński, A. Pliszka, J. Kubrak, A. Lewandowska, K. Małachowski, M. Wierzchowski, E. Chyczewska, M. Matecka-Nowak,  J. Jassem. A prospective, randomized study to compare the value of two fractionation schedules of palliative radiotherapy for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer 2005; 92: 1038-1045.
  7. E. Jassem, K. Serkies, R. Dziadziuszko, A. Drozdowska, G. Kobierska-Gulida, J. Skokowski,  S. Góźdź, A. Urbaniak, J. Sygut, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of S-100 immunostaining in tumor cells of non-small cell lung cancer. Biomarkers 2006; 11: 262-269.
  8. K. Serkies, J. Jassem, R. Dziadziuszko. Chemotherapy with mitomycin C, ifosfamide, and cisplatin for recurrent or persistent cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2006; 16: 1152-1156.
  9. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, R. Schneider-Stock, H. Wiedorn, J. Skokowski, K. Jaśkiewicz, E. Częstochowska. MDM2 gene amplification and expression in non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Adv Clin Exp Med 2006; 15: 589-593.
  10. M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, A. Żaczek, B. Brandt, K. P. Bielawski, J. Jaśkiewicz, K. Konopa, J. Jassem. (CA)n microsatellite polymorphism of ERBB-1 in breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 2006; 42: 1698-1701.
  11. K. Serkies, A. Badzio, J. Jassem. Clinical relevance of hemoglobin level in cervical cancer patients administered definitive radiotherapy. Acta Oncol 2006; 45: 695-701.
  12. J.Y. Douillard, R. Rosell, M. De Lena, F. Carpagnano, R. Ramlau, J.L. Gonzales-Larriba, T. Grodzki, J.R. Pereira, A. Le Groumellec, V. Lorusso, C. Clary, A.J. Torres, J. Dahabreh, P.J. Souquet, J. Astudillo, P. Fournel, A. Artal-Cortes, J. Jassem, L. Koubkova, P. His, M. Riggi, P. Hurteloup. Adjuvant vinorelbine plus cisplatin versus observation in patients with completely resected stage IB-IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer (Adjuvant Navelbine International Trialist Association [ANITA]): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol 2006; 9: 719-727.
  13. J.A. BonnerP. M. HarariJ. GiraltN. Azarnia, D. M. Shin, R. B. Cohen, C.U. Jones, R. Sur, D. Raben, J. Jassem, R. Ove, M. S. Kies, J. Baselga, H. Youssoufian, N. Amellal, E.K. Rowinsky, K.K. Ang. Radiotherapy plus cetuximab for squamous-cell carcinoma of the head and neck. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 567-578.
  14. L. Beex, C. Rose, H. Mouridsen, J. Jassem, M. Nooij, J. Estape, R. Pariadens, M. Piccart, T. Gorlia, S. Lardenoije, L. Naila. Continuous versus intermittent tamoxifen versus intermittent/alternated tamoxifen and medroxyprogesterone acetate as first line endocrine treatment in advanced breast cancer: An EORTC phase III study (10863). Eur J Cancer 2006; 42: 3178-3185.
  15. Szymanowska, E. Jassem, R. Dziadziuszko, A. Borg, J. Limon, G. Kobierska-Gulida, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem. Increased risk of non-small cell lung cancer and frequency of somatic TP53 gene mutations in Pro72 carriers of TP53 Arg72Pro polymorphism. Lung Cancer 2006; 52: 9-14.
  16. R.C. Coombes, L.S. Kilburn, C.F. Snowdon, R. Paridaens, R.E. Coleman, S.E. Jones, J. Jassem, C.J. Van de Velde, T. Delozier, I. Alvarez, L. Del Mastro, O. Ortmann, K. Diedrich, A. S. Coates, E. Bajetta, S. B. Holmberg, D. Dodwell, E. Mickiewicz, J. Andersen, P. E. Lonning, G. Cocconi, J. Forbes, M. Castiglione, N. Stuart, A. Stewart, L.J. Fallowfield, G. Bertelli, E. Hall, R. G. Bogle, M. Carpentieri, E. Colajori, M. Subar, E. Ireland, J. M. Bliss. Survival and safety of exemestane versus tamoxifen after 2-3 years' tamoxifen treatment (Intergroup Exemestane Study): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2007; 369: 559-570.
  17. D. Curran, J. Giralt, P. M. Harari, K. K. Ang, R. B. Cohen, M. S. Kies, J. Jassem, J. Baselga, E. K. Rowinsky, N. Amellal, S. Comte, J. A. Bonner. Quality of life in head and neck cancer patients after treatment with high-dose radiotherapy alone or in combination with cetuximab. J Clin Oncol 2007; 25: 2191-2197.
  18. R. Rosell, M. Skrzypski, E. Jassem, M. Taron, R. Bartolucci, J.J. Sanchez, P. Mendez, I. Chaib, L. Perez-Roca, A. Szymanowska, W. Rzyman, F. Puma, G. Kobierska-Gulida, R. Farabi, J. Jassem. BRCA1: A novel prognostic factor in resected non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS ONE 2007; 11: e1129.
  19. J. Jassem, R. Ramlau, A. Santoro, W. Schuette, A. Chemaissani, S. Hong, J. Blatter, S. Adachi, A. Hanauske, Ch. Manegold: Phase III Trial of pemetrexed plus best supportive care compared with best supportive care in previously treated patients with advanced malignant pleural mesothelioma. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26: 1698-1704.
  20. L. Holmberg, O. E. Iversen, C. M. Rudenstam, M. Hammar, E. Kumpulainen, J. Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem, D. Dobaczewska, H.E. Fjosne, O. Peralta, R. Arriagada, M. Holmqvist, J. Maenpa J, HABITS Study Group. Increased risk of recurrence after hormone replacement therapy in breast cancer survivors. J Natl Cancer Inst 2008; 100: 475-482.
  21. Żaczek, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, K. P. Bielawski, J. Jaśkiewicz, A. Badzio, W. Olszewski, P. Rhone, J. Jassem.  Gene copy numbers of HER family in breast cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2008; 134: 271-279.
  22. R. Ramlau, P. Zatloukal, J. Jassem, P. Schwarzenberger, S.V. Orlov, M. Gottfried, J.R. Pereira, G. Temperley, R. Negro-Vilar, S. Rahal, J.K. Zhang, A. Negro-Vilar, Z. Dziewanowska. Randomized phase III trial comparing bexarotene (L1069-49)/cisplatin/vinorelbine with cisplatin/vinorelbine in chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: SPIRIT I. J Clin Oncol. 2008; 26: 1886-1892.
  23. M. Skrzypski, E. Jassem, M. Taron, J.J. Sanchez, P. Mendez, W. Rzyman, G. Gulida, D. Raz, D Jablons, M Provencio, B Massuti, I Chaib, L Perez-Roca, J Jassem, R Rosell. Three-gene expression signature predicts survival in early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 14: 4794-4799.
  24. M. Krajewska, S. Kitada, J.N. Winter, D. Variakojis, A. Lichtenstein, D. Zhai, M. Cuddy, X. Huang, F. Luciano, C.H. Baker, H. Kim, E. Shin, S. Kennedy, A.H. Olson, A. Badzio, J. Jassem, I. Meinhold-Heerlein, M.J. Duffy, A.D. Schimmer, M. Tsao, E. Brown, A Sawyers, M Andreeff, D Mercola, M. Krajewski, J.C. Reed. Bcl-B expression in human epithelial and nonepithelial malignancies. Clin Cancer Res 2008; 14: 3011-3021.
  25. T. Burzykowski, M. Buyse, M.J. Piccart-Gebhart, G. Sledge, J. Carmichael, H.J. Lück, J.R. Mackey, J.M. Nabholtz, R. Paridaens, L. Biganzoli, J. Jassem, M. Bontenbal, J. Bonneterre, S. Chan, G.A. Basaran, P Therasse. Evaluation of tumor response, disease control, progression-free survival, and time to progression as potential surrogate end points in metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2008; 26: 1987-1992.
  26. M.J. Piccart-Gebhart, T. Burzykowski, M. Buyse, G. Sledge, J. Carmichael, H.J. Lück, J.R. Mackey, J.M. Nabholtz, P.R. aridaens, L. Biganzoli, J. Jassem, M. Bontenbal, J. Bonneterre, S. Chan, Basaran G.A., P. Therasse. Taxanes alone or in combination with anthracyclines as first-line therapy of pa tients with metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2008; 26: 1980-1986.
  27. P. Roepman, J. Jassem, E.F. Smit, T. Muley, J. Niklinski, T. van de Velde, A.T. Witteveen, W. Rzyman, A. Floore, S. Burgers, G. Giaccone, M. Meister, H. Dienemann, M. Skrzypski, M. Kozlowski, W.J. Mooi, N. van Zandwijk. An immune response enriched 72-gene prognostic profile for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2009; 15: 284-290.
  28. P. Farmer, H. Bonnefoi, P. Anderle, D. Cameron, P. Wirapati, V. Becette, S. André, M. Piccart, M. Campone, E. Brain, G. Macgrogan, T. Petit, J. Jassem, F. Bibeau, E. Blot, J. Bogaerts, M. Aguet, J. Bergh, R. Iggo, M. Delorenzi. A stroma-related gene signature predicts resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Nat Med 2009; 15: 68-74.
  29. J. Jassem, T. Pienkowski, A. Pluzanska, S. Jelic, V. Gorbunova, J. Berzins, T. Nagykalnai, L. Biganzoli, A. Aloe, L. Astier, S. Munier. Doxorubicin and paclitaxel versus fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide as first-line therapy for women with advanced breast cancer: long-term analysis of the previously published trial. Onkologie 2009; 32: 468-472.
  30. M.A. Socinski, E.F. Smit, P. Lorigan, K. Konduri, M. Reck, A. Szczesna, J. Blakely, P. Serwatowski, N.A. Karaseva, T. Ciuleanu, J. Jassem, M. Dediu, S. Hong, C. Visseren-Grul, A.R. Hanauske, C.K. Obasaju, S.C. Guba, N. Thatcher. Phase III study of pemetrexed plus carboplatin compared with etoposide plus carboplatin in chemotherapy-naive patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27: 4787-4792.
  31. X.B. Pivot, R.K. Li, E.S. Thomas, H.C. Chung, L.E. Fein, V.F. Chan, J. Jassem, F.H. de Mendoza, P. Mukhopadyay, H.H. Roché. Activity of ixabepilone in oestrogen receptor-negative and oestrogen receptor-progesterone receptor-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative metastatic breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 2009; 45: 2940-2946.
  32. J. Jassem, C. Carroll, S.E. Ward, E. Simpson, D. Hind.  The clinical efficacy of cytotoxic agents in locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer patients pretreated with an anthracycline and a taxane: a systematic review. Eur J Cancer 2009; 45: 2749-2758.
  33. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, A. Karmoliński, M. Lapiński, D. Tomaszewski, W. Rzyman, K. Jaśkiewicz, K. Sworczak, A.B. Grossman. Prognostic value of the apoptotic index analysed jointly with selected cell cycle regulators and proliferation markers in non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2009; 66: 127-133.
  34. J. Jassem, T. Pienkowski, A. Pluzanska, S. Jelic, V. Gorbunova, J. Berzins, T. Nagykalnai, L. Biganzoli, A. Aloe, L. Astier, S. Munier. Doxorubicin and paclitaxel versus fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide as first-line therapy for women with advanced breast cancer: long-term analysis of the previously published trial. Onkologie 2009; 32: 468-472.
  35. G. Bertelli, E. Hall, E. Ireland, C.F. Snowdon, J. Jassem, K. Drosik, H. Karnicka-Mlodkowska, R.C. Coombes, J.M. Bliss. Long-term endometrial effects in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer participating in the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES) - a randomised controlled trial of exemestane versus continued tamoxifen after 2-3 years tamoxifen. Ann Oncol 2010; 21: 498-505.
  36. A.M. Wardley, X. Pivot, F. Morales-Vasquez, L.M. Zetina, M. de Fátima Dias Gaui, D.O. Reyes, J. Jassem, C. Barton, P. Button, V. Hersberger, A.A. Torres. Randomized Phase II Trial of First-Line Trastuzumab Plus Docetaxel and Capecitabine Compared With Trastuzumab Plus Docetaxel in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28: 976-983.
  37. M. Krzakowski, R. Ramlau, J. Jassem, A. Szczesna, P. Zatloukal, J. Von Pawel, X. Sun, J. Bennouna, A. Santoro, B. Biesma, F.M. Delgado, Y. Salhi, N. Vaissiere, O. Hansen, E.H. Tan, E. Quoix, P. Garrido, J.Y. Douillard. Phase III Trial Comparing Vinflunine With Docetaxel in Second-Line Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Previously Treated With Platinum-Containing Chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 2167-2173.
  38. R. Dziadziuszko, D.T. Merrick, S.E. Witta, A.D. Mendoza, B. Szostakiewicz, A. Szymanowska, W. Rzyman, K. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, P.A. Bunn Jr, M. Varella-Garcia, F.R. Hirsch. Insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF1R) gene copy number is associated with survival in operable non-small-cell lung cancer: A comparison between IGF1R fluorescent in situ hybridization, protein expression, and mRNA expression. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28: 2174-2180.
  39. M. Maio, A. Mackiewicz, A. Testori, U. Trefzer, V. Ferraresi, J. Jassem, C. Garbe, T. Lesimple, B. Guillot, P. Gascon, K. Gilde, R. Camerini, F. Cognetti, Thymosin Melanoma Investigation Group. Large randomized study of thymosin alpha 1, interferon alfa, or both in combination with dacarbazine in patients with metastatic melanoma. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 1780-1787.
  40. G.N. Hortobagyi, H.L. Gomez, R.K. Li, H.C. Chung, L.E. Fein, V.F. Chan, J. Jassem, G.L. Lerzo, X.B. Pivot, F. Hurtado de Mendoza, B. Xu, L.T. Vahdat, R.A. Peck, P. Mukhopadhyay, H.H. Roché. Analysis of overall survival from a phase III study of ixabepilone plus capecitabine versus capecitabine in patients with MBC resistant to anthracyclines and taxanes. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2010; 22: 409-418.
  41. J.Y. Douillard, S. Siena, J. Cassidy, J. Tabernero, R. Burkes, M. Barugel, Y. Humblet, G. Bodoky, D. Cunningham, J. Jassem, F. Rivera, I. Kocákova, P. Ruff, M. Błasińska-Morawiec, M. Šmakal, J.L. Canon, M. Rother, K.S. Oliner, M. Wolf, J. Gansert. Randomized, phase III trial of panitumumab with infusional fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4) versus FOLFOX4 alone as first-line treatment in patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer: the PRIME study. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 4697-4705.
  42. Badzio, M.W. Wynes, R. Dziadziuszko, D.T. Merrick, M. Pardo, W. Rzyman, A. Kowalczyk, S. Singh, J.Ranger-Moore, G. Manriquez, F. Gaire, J. Jassem, F.R. Hirsch. Increased insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor protein expression and gene copy number in small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2010; 5: 1905-1911.
  43. H. Roché, P. Conte, E.A. Perez, J.A. Sparano, B. Xu, J. Jassem, R. Peck, T. Kelleher, G.N. Hortobagyi. Ixabepilone plus capecitabine in metastatic breast cancer patients with reduced performance status previously treated with anthracyclines and taxanes: a pooled analysis by performance status of efficacy and safety data from 2 phase III studies. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011; 125: 755-765.
  44. H. Bonnefoi, M. Piccart, J. Bogaerts, L. Mauriac, P. Fumoleau, E. Brain, T. Petit, P. Rouanet, J. Jassem, E. Blot, K. Zaman, T. Cufer, A. Lortholary, E. Lidbrink, S. André, S. Litière, L. Dal Lago, V. Becette, D.A. Cameron, J. Bergh, R. Iggo, on behalf of the EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 Study Investigators. TP53 status for prediction of sensitivity to taxane versus non-taxane neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer (EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00): a randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 527–539.
  45. D.M. Glubb, E. Cerri, A. Giese, W. Zhang, O. Mirza, E.E. Thompson, P. Chen, S. Das, J. Jassem, W. Rzyman, M W. Lingen, R. Salgia, F.R. Hirsch, R. Dziadziuszko, K. Ballmer-Hofer, F. Innocenti. Novel Functional Germline Variants in the VEGF Receptor 2 Gene and Their Effect on Gene Expression and Microvessel Density in Lung Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 5257-5267.
  46. C. Manegold, N. van Zandwijk, A. Szczesna, P. Zatloukal, J.S. Au, M. Blasinska-Morawiec, P. Serwatowski, M. Krzakowski, J. Jassem, E.H. Tan, R.J. Benner, A. Ingrosso, S.J. Meech, D. Readett, N.Thatcher. A phase III randomized study of gemcitabine and cisplatin with or without PF-3512676 (TLR9 agonist) as first-line treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2012; 23: 72–77.
  47. K. Serkies, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem. Continuous 7-Days-a-Week External Beam Irradiation in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: Final Results of the Phase I/II Study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012; 82: 1256-1261.
  48. J. Jassem, L. Fein, M. Karwal, M. Campone, R. Peck, V. Poulart, L. Vahdat. Ixabepilone plus capecitabine in advanced breast cancer patients with early relapse after adjuvant anthracyclines and taxanes: A pooled subset analysis of two phase III studies. Breast 2012; 21: 89-94.
  49. J.M. Bliss, L.S. Kilburn, R.E. Coleman, J.F. Forbes, A.S. Coates, S.E. Jones, J. Jassem, T. Delozier, J. Andersen, R. Paridaens, C.J. van de Velde, P.E. Lønning, J. Morden, J. Reise, L. Cisar, T. Menschik, R.C. Coombes. Disease-Related Outcomes With Long-Term Follow-Up: An Updated Analysis of the Intergroup Exemestane Study. J Clin Oncol. 2012; 30: 709-717.
  50. R. Duchnowska, W. Biernat, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Sperinde, F. Piette, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, P. Wysocki, T. Jankowski, B. Radecka, M. Foszczynska-Kłoda, M. Litwiniuk, S. Debska, J. Weidler, W. Huang, M. Buyse, M. Bates, J.Jassem. Correlation between quantitative HER-2 protein expression and risk for brain metastases in HER-2+ advanced breast cancer patients receiving trastuzumab-containing therapy. Oncologist 2012; 17: 26-35.
  51. A.J. Żaczek, A. Markiewicz, B. Seroczyńska, J. Skokowski, J. Jaskiewicz, T. Pieńkowski, W.P. Olszewski, J. Szade, P. Rhone, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem. Prognostic significance of TOP2A gene dosage in HER-2-negative breast cancer. Oncologist 2012; 17: 1246-1255.
  52. C. Manegold, N. van Zandwijk, A. Szczesna, P. Zatloukal, J.S. Au, M. Blasinska-Morawiec, P. Serwatowski, M. Krzakowski, J. Jassem, E.H. Tan, R.J. Benner, A. Ingrosso, S.J. Meech, D. Readett, N. Thatcher. A phase III randomized study of gemcitabine and cisplatin with or without PF-3512676 (TLR9 agonist) as first-line treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2012; 23: 72-77.
  53. R. Dziadziuszko, M.W. Wynes, S. Singh, B.R. Asuncion, J. Ranger-Moore, K. Konopa, W. Rzyman, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Jassem, F.R. Hirsch. Correlation between MET gene copy number by silver in situ hybridization and protein expression by immunohistochemistry in non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2012; 7: 340-347.
  54. Żaczek, A. Markiewicz, A. Supernat, N. Bednarz-Knoll, B. Brandt, B. Seroczyńska, J. Skokowski, J. Szade, P. Czapiewski, W. Biernat, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of TOP2A gene amplification and chromosome 17 polysomy in early breast cancer. Pathol Oncol Res 2012; 18: 885-894.
  55. M.W. Wynes, K. Konopa, S. Singh, B. Reyna-Asuncion, J. Ranger-Moore, A. Sternau, D.C. Christoph, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, F.R. Hirsch. Thymidylate synthase protein expression by IHC and gene copy number by SISH correlate and show great variability in non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2012; 7: 982-992.
  56. R. Duchnowska, R. Dziadziuszko, T. Trojanowski, T. Mandat, W. Och, B. Czartoryska- Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, W. Olszewski, F. Szubstarski, W. Kozłowski, B. Jarosz, W. Rogowski, A. Kowalczyk, J. Limon, W. Biernat, J. Jassem; the Polish Brain Metastasis Consortium. Conversion of epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and hormone receptor expression in breast cancer metastases to the brain. Breast Cancer Res 2012; 14: R119.
  57. G. Minuti, F. Cappuzzo, R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, A. Fabi, T. O'Brien, A.D. Mendoza, L.Landi, W. Biernat, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, T. Jankowski, D. Zuziak, J. Zok, B. Szostakiewicz, M. Foszczyńska-Kłoda, A. Tempińska-Szałach, E. Rossi, M. Varella-Garcia. Increased MET and HGF gene copy numbers are associated with trastuzumab failure in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Br J Cancer 2012; 107: 793-799.
  58. M. Campone, N. Dobrovolskaya, S. Tjulandin, S.-C. Chen, S. Fourie, F. Mefti, M. Konstantinova, F. Lefresne, N. Meheust, J. Jassem. A three-arm randomized phase II study of oral vinorelbine plus capecitabine versus oral vinorelbine and capecitabine in sequence versus docetaxel plus capecitabine in patients with metastatic breast cancer previously treated with anthracyclines. Breast J 2013; 19: 240-249.
  59. I.J. Majewski, L. Mittempergher, N.M. Davidson, A. Bosma, S.M. Willems, H.M. Horlings, I. de Rink, L. Greger, G.K. Hooijer, D. Peters, P.M. Nederlof, I. Hofland, J. de Jong, J. Wesseling, R.J. Kluin, W. Brugman, R. Kerkhoven, F. Nieboer, P. Roepman, A. Broeks, T.R. Muley, J Jassem, J. Niklinski, N. van Zandwijk, A. Brazma, A. Oshlack, M. van den Heuvel, R. Bernards. Identification of recurrent FGFR3 fusion genes in lung cancer through kinome-centered RNA sequencing. J Pathol 2013; 230: 270–276.
  60. E. Senkus, J. Szade, B. Pieczyńska, A. Żaczek, I. Brożek, B. Radecka, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem. Are bilateral breast cancers different from breast cancers coexisting with ovarian cancer? An immunohistochemical analysis aimed at intrinsic tumor phenotype. Breast 2013; 22: 425-430.
  61. J. Vansteenkiste, M. Zielinski, A. Linder, J. Dahabreh, E.E. Gonzalez, W. Malinowski, M. Lopez-Brea, T. Vanakesa, J. Jassem, H. Kalofonos, J. Perdeus, R. Bonnet, J. Basko, R. Janilionis, B. Passlick, T. Treasure, M. Gillet, F.F. Lehmann, V.G. Brichard. Adjuvant MAGE-A3 Immunotherapy in Resected Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Phase II Randomized Study Results. J Clin Oncol 2013; 31: 2396-2403.
  62. Markiewicz, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Skokowski,  J. Jaśkiewicz, J. Szade, J. Jassem, A. J. Żaczek. Prognostic Significance of ESR1 Amplification and ESR1 PvuII, CYP2C19*2, UGT2B15*2 Polymorphisms in Breast Cancer Patients. PlosOne 2013; 8: e72219.
  63. J. –Y. Douillard, K.S. Oliner, S. Siena, J. Tabernero, R. Burkes, M. Barugel, Y. Humblet, G. Bodoky, D. Cunningham, J. Jassem, F. Rivera, I. Kocákova, P. Ruff, M. Błasińska-Morawiec, M. Šmakal, J. L. Canon, M. Rother, R. Williams, A. Rong, J. Wiezorek, R. Sidhu, S. D. Patterson. Panitumumab–FOLFOX4 Treatment and RAS Mutations in Colorectal Cancer. N Engl J Med 2013; 369: 1023-1034.
  64. J. Jassem, V. Ozmen, F. Bacanu, M. Drobniene, J. Eglitis, K. C. Lakshmaiah, Z. Kahan, J. Mardiak, T. Pieńkowski, T. Semiglazova, L. Stamatovic, C. Timcheva, S. Vasovic, D. Vrbanec, P. Zaborek. Delays in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: a multinational analysis. Eur J Public Health 2013; 1–7; doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckt131.
  65. M. Skrzypski, R. Dziadziuszko, E. Jassem, A. Szymanowska-Narloch, G. Gulida, R. Rzepko, W. Biernat, M. Taron, M. Jelitto-Górska, T. Marjański, W. Rzyman, R. Rosell, J.Jassem. Main Histologic Types of Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Differ in Expression of Prognosis-related Genes. Clin Lung Cancer 2013; 14: 666-673.
  66. K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, R. Duchnowska, P. Winczura, A. Badzio, H. Majewska, J. Lakomy, R. Pęksa, B. Pieczyńska, B. Radecka, S. Dębska, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Immunohistochemical prediction of brain metastases in patients with advanced breast cancer: the role of Rad51. Breast 2013; 22: 1178-1183.
  67. Szymanowska-Narloch, E. Jassem, M. Skrzypski, T. Muley, M. Meister, H. Dienemann, M. Taron, R. Rosell, R. Rzepko, M. Jarząb, T. Marjański, R. Pawłowski, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem. Molecular profiles of non-small cell lung cancers in cigarette smoking and never-smoking patients. Adv Med Sci 2013; 58: 196-206.
  68. M. Skrzypski, P. Czapiewski, K. Goryca, E. Jassem, L. Wyrwicz, R. Pawłowski, W. Rzyman, W. BIernat, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of microRNA expression in operable non-small cell lung cancer patients. Br J Cancer 2014; 110: 991-1000.
  69. Láng, R. Bell, F. Y. Feng, R. I. Lopez, J. Jassem, V. Semiglazov, N. Al-Sakaff, D. Heinzmann, J. Chang. Trastuzumab retreatment after relapse on adjuvant trastuzumab therapy for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer: final results of the retreatment after herceptin adjuvant trial. Clin Oncol 2014; 26: 81-89.
  70. E. Senkus, J. Szade, B. Pieczyńska, A. Żaczek, J. Pikiel, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, A. Karpińska, J. Jassem. Are synchronous and metachronous bilateral breast cancers different? An immunohistochemical analysis aimed at intrinsic tumor phenotype. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2014; 7: 353-363.
  71. M. Lawler, T. Le Chevalier, M. J. Murphy, Jr., I. Banks, P. Conte, F. De Lorenzo, F. Meunier, H. M. Pinedo, P. Selby, J.-P. Armand, M. Barbacid, M. Barzach, J. Bergh, G. Bode, D. A. Cameron, F. de Braud, A. de Gramont, V. Diehl, S. Diler, S. Erdem, J. M. Fitzpatrick, J. Geissler, D. Hollywood, L. Højgaard, D. Horgan, JACEK JASSEM, P. W. Johnson, P. Kapitein, J. Kelly, S. Kloezen, C. La Vecchia, B. Löwenberg, K. Oliver, R. Sullivan, J. Tabernero, C. J. van de Velde, N. Wilking, R. Wilson, Ch. Zielinski, H. zur Hausen, P. G. Johnston.Tytuł oryginału: A catalyst for change : The European Cancer Patient's Bill of Rights. Oncologist 2014; 19: 217-224.
  72. E. Senkus, J. Szade, B. PIeczyńska, A. Żaczek, M. Świerblewski, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Are bilateral breast cancers and breast cancers coexisting with ovarian cancer different from solitary tumors? A pair-matched immunohistochemical analysis aimed at intrinsic tumor phenotype. Pathol Int 2014; 64: 508-517.
  73. J. Jassem, V. Ozmen, F. Bacanu, M. Drobniene, J. Eglitis, K. C. Lakshmaiah, Z. Kahan, J. Mardiak, T. Pieńkowski, T. Semiglazova, L. Stamatovic, C. Timcheva, S. Vasovic, D. Vrbanec, P. Zaborek. Delays in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: a multinational analysis. Eur J Public Health 2014; 24: 761-767.
  74. S. Woditschka, L. Evans, R. Duchnowska, L. T. Reed, D. Palmieri, Y. Qian, S. Badve, G. Sledge Jr., B. Gril, M. I. Aladjem, H. Fu, N. M. Flores, Y. Gökmen-Polar, WOJCIECH BIERNAT, EWA SZUTOWICZ-ZIELIŃSKA, T. Mandat, T. Trojanowski, W. Och, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, JACEK JASSEM, J. B. Mitchell, P. S. Steeg. DNA double-strand break repair genes and oxidative damage in brain metastasis of breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 106: 1-13.
  75. K. M Cummings, C. M. Dresler, J. K. Field, F. R. C. Path, J. Fox, E. R. Gritz, N. H. Hanna, N. Ikeda, J. Jassem, J. L. Mulshine, M. J. Peters, N. H. Yamaguchi, G. Warren, C. Zhou.E-cigarettes and cancer patients. J Thorac Oncol 2014; 9: 438-441.
  76. M. W. Wynes, T. K. Hinz, D. Gao, M. Martini, L. A. Marek, K. E. Ware, M. G. Edwards, D. Böhm, S. Perner, B. A. Helfrich, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, S. Wojtylak, A. Sejda, J. M. Gozgit, P. A. Bunn Jr., D. R. Camidge, A.-Ch. Tan, F. R. Hirsch, L. E. Heasley. FGFR1 mRNA and protein expression, not gene copy number, predict FGFR TKI sensitivity across all lung cancer histologies. Clin Cancer Res 2014; 20: 3299-3309.
  77. J. Y. Douillard, S. Siena, J. Cassidy, J. Tabernero, R. Burkes, M. Barugel, Y. Humblet, G. Bodoky, D. Cunningham, J. Jassem, F. Rivera, I. Kocákova, P. Ruff, M. Błasińska-Morawiec, M. Šmakal, J. L. Canon, M. Rother, K. S. Oliner, Y. Tian, F. Xu, R. Sidhu. Final results from PRIME: randomized phase III study of panitumumab with FOLFOX4 for first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol 2014; 25: 1346-1355.
  78. S. Peters, W. Weder, U. Dafni, K. M. Kerr, L. Bubendorf, P. Meldgaard, K. J. O'Byrne, A. Wrona, J. Vansteenkiste, E. Felip, A. Marchetti, S. Savic, S. Lu, E. Smit, A.-M. Dingemans, F. H. Blackhall, P. Baas, C. Camps, R. Rosell, R. A. Stahel i wsp., m. in. R. Dziadziuszko, W. Biernat, A. Sejda, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem. Lungscape: resected non-small-cell lung cancer outcome by clinical and pathological parameters. J Thorac Oncol 2014; 9: 1675-1684.
  79. K. Dziadziuszko, E. Szurowska, J. Pieńkowska, J. Jassem, R. Dziadziuszko. Miliary brain metastases in a patient with ROS1-rearranged lung adenocarcinoma: a case report. J Thorac Oncol 2014; 9: e34-e36.
  80. J. Bennouna, L. Havel, M. Krzakowski, J. Kollmeier, R. Gervais, E. Dansin, M. Serke, A. Favaretto, A. Szczesna, M. Cobo, L. Ciuffreda, J. Jassem, M. Nicolini, R. Ramlau, D. Amoroso, B. Melotti, T. Almodovar, M. Riggi, N.-R. Caux, N. Vaissière, E.-H. Tan. Oral vinorelbine plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in nonsquamous non-small-cell lung cancer: final results of an international randomized phase II study (NAVotrial 01). Clin Lung Cancer 2014; 15: 258-265.
  81. H. Bonnefoi, S. Litière, M. Piccart, G. MacGrogan, P. Fumoleau, E. Brain, T. Petit, P. Rouanet, J. Jassem, C. Moldovan, A. Bodmer, K. Zaman, T. Cufer, M. Campone, E. Luporsi, P. Malmström, G. Werutsky, J. Bogaerts, J. Bergh, D. A. Cameron. Pathological complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an independent predictive factor irrespective of simplified breast cancer intrinsic subtypes: a landmark and two-step approach analyses from EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 phase III trial. Ann Oncol 2014; 25: 1128-1136.
  82. D. Palmieri, R. Duchnowska, S. Woditschka, E. Hua, Y. Qian, W. Biernat, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, B. Gril, A. M. Stark, S. M. Hewitt, D. J. Liewehr, S. M. Steinberg, J. Jassem, P. S. Steeg. Profound prevention of experimental brain metastases of breast cancer by temozolomide in an MGMT-dependent manner. Clin Cancer Res 2014; 20: 2727-2739.
  83. M. Skrzypski, P. Czapiewski, K. Goryca, E. Jassem, L. Wyrwicz, R. Pawłowski, W. Rzyman, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of microRNA expression in operable non-small cell lung cancer patients. Br J Cancer 2014; 110: 991-1000.
  84. R. Duchnowska, J. Sperinde, A. Chenna, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, J. M. Weidler, W. Huang, J. Winslow, T. Jankowski, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, P. J. Wysocki, M. Foszczyńska-Kłoda, B. Radecka, M. M. Litwinuk, J. Żok, M. Wiśniewski, D. Zuziak, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Quantitative measurements of tumoral p95HER2 protein expression in metastatic breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab: independent validation of the p95HER2 clinical cutoff. Clin Cancer Res 2014; 20: 2805-2813.
  85. C. J. Langer, S. Novello, K. Park, M. Krzakowski, D. D. Karp, T. Mok, R. J. Benner, J. R. Scranton, A. J. Olszanski, J. Jassem. Randomized, phase III trial of first-line figitumumab in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin versus paclitaxel and carboplatin alone in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 2014; 32: 2059-2066.
  86. L. R. Saunders, A. J. Bankovich, W. C. Anderson, M. A. Aujay, S. Bheddah, K. Black, R. Desai, P. A. Escarpe, J. Hampl, A. Laysang, D. Liu, J. Lopez-Molina, A. Park, M. A. Pysz, H. Shao, B. Slingerland, M. Torgov, S. A. Williams, O. Foord, P. Howard, J. Jassem, A. Badzio, P. Czapiewski, D. H. Harpole, A. Dowlati, P. P. Massion, W. D. Travis, M. C. Pietanza, J. T. Poirier, C. M. Rudin, R. A. Stull, S. J. Dylla. A DLL3-targeted antibody-drug conjugate eradicates high-grade pulmonary neuroendocrine tumor-initiating cells in vivo. Sci Transl Med 2015; 7: ID 302ra136, 1-13.
  87. J. Jassem, John R. Penrod, Amir Goren, Isabelle Gilloteau. Caring for relatives with lung cancer in Europe: an evaluation of caregivers' experience. Qual Life Res 2015; 24: 2843-2852.
  88. Aramburu, I. Zudaire, M. J. Pajares, J. Agorreta, A. Orta, M. D. Lozano, A. Gurpide, J. Gomez-Roman, J. A. Martinez-Climent, J. Jassem, M. Skrzypski, M. Suraokar, C. Behrens, I. I. Wistuba, R. Pio, A. Rubio, L. M. Montuenga. Combined clinical and genomic signatures for the prognosis of early stage non-small cell lung cancer based on gene copy number alterations. BMC Genomics 2015; 16: 1-10.
  89. L. Zhang, H. Yu, Andrzej Badzio, T. A. Boyle, H.-U. Schildhaus, X. Lu, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, M. Varella-Garcia, L. E. Heasley, A. A. Kowalewski, K. Ellison, G. Chen, C. Zhou, F. R. Hirsch. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and related ligands in small-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2015; 10: 1083-1090.
  90. D. M. Glubb, L. Paré-Brunet, E. Jantus-Lewintre, C. Jiang, D. Crona, A. S. Etheridge, O. Mirza, W. Zhang, E. L. Seiser, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem, T. Auman, F. R. Hirsch, K. Owzar, C. Camps, R. Dziadziuszko, F. Innocenti. Functional FLT1 genetic variation is a prognostic factor for recurrence in stage I-III non-smal-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2015; 10: 1067-1075.
  91. P. Winczura, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, R. Duchnowska, Andrzej Badzio, J. Lakomy, H. Majewska, R. Pęksa, B. Pieczynska, B. Radecka, S. Dębska-Szmich, K. Adamowicz, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Immunohistochemical predictors of bone metastases in breast cancer patients. Pathol Oncol Res 2015; 21: 1229-1236.
  92. O. Trédan, M. Campone, J. Jassem, R. Vyzula, B. Coudert, C. Pacilio, J. Prausova, A.-C. Hardy-Bessard, A. Arance, P. Mukhopadhyay, A. Aloe, H. Roché. Ixabepilone alone or with cetuximab as first-line treatment for advanced/metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Clin. Breast Cancer 2015; 15: 8-15.
  93. R. J. Motzer, T. E. Hutson, H. Glen, M. Dror Michaelson, A. Molina, T. Eisen, J. Jassem, J. Zolnierek, J. P. Maroto, B. Mellado, B. Melichar, J. Tomasek, A. Kremer, H.-J. Kim, K. Wood, C. Dutcus, J. Larkin. Lenvatinib, everolimus, and the combination in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a randomised, phase 2, open-label, multicentre trial. Lancet Oncol 2015; 16: 1473-1482.
  94. R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, Ch. P. Goswami, M. Dundar, Y. Gökmen-Polar, L. Li, S. Woditschka, W. Biernat, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, Z. Tomasevic, P. Stępniak, K. Wojdan, G. W. Sledge Jr., P. S. Steeg, S. Badve. Predicting early brain metastases based on clinicopathological factors and gene expression analysis in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients. J Neurooncol 2015; 122: 205-216.
  95. V. Speirs, G. Viale, K. Mousa, C. Palmieri, S. N. Reed, H. Nicholas, M. Cheang, J. Jassem, P. E. Lonning, E. Kalaitzaki, C. J. H. van de Velde, B. B. Rasmussen, D. M. Verhoeven, A. M. Schaaban, J. M. S. Bartlett, J. M. Bliss, R. C. Coombes. Prognostic and predictive value of ERß1 and ERß2 in the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES)-first results from PathIES. Ann Oncol 2015; 26: 1890-1897.
  96. M. Jędrzejewski, Ch. Thallinger, M. Mrozik, G. Kornek, Ch. Zielinski, J. Jassem. Public perception of cancer care in Poland and Austria. Oncologist 2015; 20: 28-36.
  97. K. Serkies, Ewa Pawłowska, Joanna Kaminska, Joanna Lipniewicz, Magdalena Narkowicz, J. Jassem. Pulsed-dose-rate post-operative vaginal cuff brachytherapy for endometrial cancer: preliminary report. J Contemp Brachyther 2015; 7: 72-75.
  98. R. Duchnowska, J. Sperinde, A. Chenna, W. Huang, J. M. Weidler, J. Winslow, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, T. Trojanowski, T. Mandat, A. Kowalczyk, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, B. Jarosz, R. Staszkiewicz, E. Kalinka-Warzocha, M. Chudzik, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Quantitative HER2 and p95HER2 levels in primary breast cancers and matched brain metastases. Neuro-Oncology 2015; 17: 1241-1249.
  99. G. V. Scagliotti, I. Bondarenko, F. Blackhall, F. Barlesi, T.-C. Hsia, J. Jassem, J. Milanowski, S. Popat, J. M. Sanchez-Torres, S. Novello, R. J. Benner, S. Green, K. Molpus, J.-C. Soria, F. A. Shepherd. Randomized, phase III trial of figitumumab in combination with erlotinib versus erlotinib alone in patients with nonadenocarcinoma nonsmall-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2015; 26: 497-504.
  100. P. Krawczyk, R. Ramlau, J. Chorostowska-Wynimko, T. Powrózek, M. A. Lewandowska, J. Limon, B. Wasąg, J. Pankowski, J. Kozielski, E. Kalinka-Warzocha, A. Szczęsna, K. Wojas-Krawczyk, M. Skroński, R. Dziadziuszko, P. Jaguś, Ewelina Antoszewska, J. Szumiło, B. Jarosz, A. Woźniak, W. Jóźwicki, W. Dyszkiewicz, M. Pasieka-Lis, D. M. Kowalski, M. Krzakowski, J. Jassem, J. Milanowski. The efficacy of EGFR gene mutation testing in various samples from non-small cell lung cancer patients: a multicenter retrospective study. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2015; 141: 61-68.
  101. V. Diéras, H. Wildiers, J. Jassem, L. Y. Dirix, J.-P. Guastalla, P. Bono, S. A. Hurvitz, A. Gonçalves, G. Romieu, S. A. Limentani, G. Jerusalem, K. C. Laksmaiah, H. Roché, P. Sánchez-Rovira, T. Pienkowski, M. Á. Seguí Palmer, A. Li, Y.-N. Sun, Ch. A. Pickett, D. J. Slamon. Trebananib (AMG 386) plus weekly paclitaxel with or without bevacizumab as first-line therapy for HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: a phase 2 randomized study. Breast 2015; 24: 182-190.
  102. Jaesik Jeong, Robert Audet, Jenny Chang, Helen Wong, Scooter Willis, Brandon Young, Susan Edgerton, Ann Thor, George Sledge, Renata Duchnowska, J. Jassem, Krzysztof Adamowicz, Brian Leyland-Jones, Changyu Shen. A comparison between DASL and Affymetrix on probing the whole-transcriptome. J Korean Stat Soc 2016; 45: 149-155.
  103. N. Harbeck, C.-S. Huang, S. Hurvitz, D.-C. Yeh, Z. Shao, S.-A. Im, K. Hae Jung, K. Shen, J. Ro, J. Jassem, Q. Zhang, Y.-H. Im, M. Wojtukiewicz, Q. Sun, S.-C. Chen, R.-G. Goeldner, M. Uttenreuther-Fischer, B. Xu, M. Piccart-Gebhart. Afatinib plus vinorelbine versus trastuzumab plus vinorelbine in patients with HER2-overexpressing metastatic breast cancer who had progressed on one previous trastuzumab treatment (LUX-Breast 1): an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2016; 17: 357-366.
  104. J. Jassem. Alectinib in crizotinib-resistant, ALK-positive NSCLC. Lancet Oncol 2016; 17: 134-135.
  105. J. Jassem. Bright and dark sides of evidence-based medicine. Pol Arch Med Wewn 2016; 126: 347-351.
  106. J. F. Vansteenkiste, B. c. Cho, T. Vanakesa, T. De Pas, M. Zielinski, M. S. Kim, J. Jassem, M. Yoshimura, J. Dahabreh, H. Nakayama, L. Havel, H. Kondo, T. Mitsudomi, K. Zarogoulidis, O. A. Gladkov, K. Udud, H. Tada, H. Hoffman, A. Bugge, P. Taylor, E. E. Gonzalez, M. L. Liao, J. He, J.-L. Pujol, J. Louahed, M. Debois, V. Brichard, C. Debruyne, P. Therasse, N. Altorki. Efficacy of the MAGE-A3 cancer immunotherapeutic as adjuvant therapy in patients with resected MAGE-A3-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (MAGRIT): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2016; 17: 822-835.
  107. R. Duchnowska, R. Pęksa, B. Radecka, T. Mandat, T. Trojanowski, B. Jarosz, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, W. P. Olszewski, W. Och, E. Kalinka-Warzocha, W. Kozłowski, A. Kowalczyk, S. Loi, W> Biernat, J. Jassem. Immune response in breast cancer brain metastases and their microenvironment: the role of the PD-1/PD-L axis. Breast Cancer Res 2016; 18: 1-11.
  108. R. Duchnowska, P. J. Wysocki, K. Korski, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, A. Niwińska, M. Orlikowska, B. Radecka, M. Studziński, R. Demlova, B. Ziółkowska, M. Merdalska, Ł. Hajac, P. Myśliwiec, D. Zuziak, S. Dębska-Szmich, I. Lang, M. Foszczyńska-Kłoda, B. Karczmarek-Borowska, A. Żawrocki, A. Kowalczyk, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Immunohistochemical prediction of lapatinib efficacy in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients. Oncotarget 2016; 7: 550-564.
  109. P. Widlak, M. Pietrowska, J. Polanska, M. Marczyk, M. Ros-Mazurczyk, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, W. Rzyman. Serum mass profile signature as a biomarker of early lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2016; 99: 46-52.

Do góry

English version

Professor anf Head

Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy

Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland


Jacek Jassem, MD PhD
email: Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.
tel. +48 58 349 2270

Jacek Jassem, MD, PhD, is Professor of Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy and Head of the Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy at the Medical University of Gdansk, Poland. His scientific interests include lung cancer, breast cancer and molecular oncology. After completing his medical training in Gdansk he spent 6 weeks at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm and in 1989-1990 was a visiting professor in the Netherland Cancer Institute. He is an author of over 500 full articles, books and book chapters. His cumulated impact factor of publications in the last 15 years is 1849 (12,670 citations, H index 42; Web of Science database viewed 25 Aug 2016). He is an author of 2 patents and 9 patent applications and a recipient of several Polish and international scientific awards including Polish Prime Minister’s scientific award, President of Vienna Foundation Award for Innovative Cancer Research, Joseph W. Cullen Prevention/Early Detection Award of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer, Man of the Year Polska The Times, The Outstanding Pole and The Leader in Medicine in Poland. He is a member and past member of the editorial boards of several scientific journals including Lancet Oncology, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Cancer Treatment Reviews, European Journal of Cancer, Journal of Thoracic Oncology (a past co-editor) and Future Oncology. He was a member of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Executive Committee a chairman of the EORTC Breast Cancer Group, a chairman of International Affairs Committee of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and an Executive Board member of the European Organization for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO). He is currently the chairman of the Central and East European Oncology Group (CEEOG), a member of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Executive Board and a member of the European Cancer Organization (ECCO) Educational Committee. He belongs to the European Academy of Cancer Sciences and Polish Academy of Art and Sciences.  His public health activities include radio and TV programs, and a series of popular articles and films on the role of science in the development of public health and oncology. He is the author of the current Polish anti-tobacco legislation and the coordinator of the Polish Strategy for Cancer Control 2015-2024.

Current Position

Professor and Head, Dept. of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland

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Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland




Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland




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Professional experience





Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland




Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland




Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland




Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland




Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland

associate prof.



Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland

assistant prof.



Medical University of Gdańsk, Poland


since 1991


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Radiumhemmet, Stockholm, 6 weeks


The National Cancer Institute, Warsaw, 4 weeks


The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, 1 year (visiting professor)


The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, 4 weeks (visiting professor)

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Major achievements

  • Over 500 full scientific papers in peer‑reviewed Polish and international journals, textbooks and book chapters (see the list of selected publications below). Cited 12670 times without self-citations, h-index 42 (Web of Science database viewed 25 August 2016).
  • Current or past member of the editorial boards of 27 scientific journals including Lancet Oncology, European Journal of Cancer, Radiotherapy and Oncology, Cancer Treatment Reviews, Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Future Oncology,
  • Two patents received:
  1. Skrzypski M, Jassem J. WO/2011/014083. Determination of the risk of distant metastases in surgically treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer in stage I-IIIA.
  2. Jassem J, Skrzypski M. 20120309638. Markers and methods for determining risk of distant recurrence of non-small cell lung cancer in stage I-IIIA patients.
  • Nine pending patent applications.

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Ministry of Health scientific awards (11 awards)


Medical University of Gdansk Rector’s scientific awards (16 awards)


Polish Oncological Society’s Sobolewscy award


President of Vienna Foundation award for innovative cancer research


Prime Minister’s scientific award


“Health Promotion” foundation golden award


Hevelius, President of Gdansk scientific award


Man of the Year, Polska The Times, Gdansk


The Outstanding Pole recognition


Leader in medicine in Poland recognition


Joseph W. Cullen Prevention/Early Detection Award, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer

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Other Experience and Professional Memberships


European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)


chairman,  EORTC Breast Cancer Cooperative Group

EORTC executive board member 2006-2012
EORTC treasurer 2009-2012


European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO


ESTRO board member


Central and East European Oncology Group, chairman since 1996


International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)


chairman, IASLC Bylaws Committee


chairman-elect, IASLC Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation Committee


Polish Oncological Society (PTO)


PTO president


PTO honorary member


Polish Society of Radiation Oncology (PTRO)


PTRO vice-president


American Society of Clinical Oncology  (ASCO)


chairman, ASCO International Development and Education Award Program


chairman, ASCO International Affairs Committee 2007-2008


Chairman 4th European Breast Cancer Conference, Hamburg


Lecturer and director, teaching courses European Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (4 times)


Lecturer, European School of Oncology (6 times)


Maria Skłodowska-Curie Memorial Institute of Oncology in Warsaw, member of the scientific council


European Medicines Agency (EMEA), external expert


European Cancer Organization, Member of the Education Committee


European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO)


ESMO Executive Board member


Member of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences


Member of the Polish Academy of Art and Sciences


Polish Society of Surgical Oncology, honorary member

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Public health and science promotion

  • Several radio and TV programs and articles in lay press on the role of science in the development of public health and oncology
  • Co-author of two educational films on cancer
  • Numerous public lectures and debates
  • Several initiatives for medicine popularization (“Open doors”, “Day of science”, concerts, parades, etc.)
  • Gold medal of the „Heath Promotion” Foundation (2006)
  • Author of Polish anti-tobacco legislation (in place since 2010)
  • Founder and coordinator, Summer Oncology School for the journalists (since 2012)
  • Coordinator, Polish Cancer Control Strategy 2015-2024 (since 2014)
  • Initiator, Polish Cancer League (board member since 2015)

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Selected peer-reviewed publications since 2005 (in chronological order)

  1. N. B. Leighl, L. Paz-Ares, J.-Y. Douillard, Ch. Peschel, A. Arnold, A. Depierre, A. Santoro, D. C. Betticher, U. Gatzemeier, J. Jassem, J. Crawford, D. Tu, A. Bezjak, J. S. Humphrey, M. Voi, S. Galbraith, K. Hann, L. Seymour, F. A. Shepherd. Randomized phase III study of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor BMS-275291 in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin in advanced non–small-cell lung cancer: National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group Study BR.18. J Clin Oncol 2005; 23: 2831-2839.
  2. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, C. Boltze, K. H. Wiedorn, R. Dworakowski, J. Skokowski, K. Jaśkiewicz, E. Częstochowska. Absence of prognostic significance of p21WAF1/CIP1 protein expression in non-small cell lung cancer. Acta Oncol 2005; 44: 75-79.
  3. E. J. Majdak, J. Dębniak, T. Milczek, C. J. Cornelisse, P. Devilee, J. Emerich, J. Jassem, G.H. de Bock. Prognostic impact of BRCA1 pathogenic and BRCA1/2 uclassified variant mutation in patients with ovarian cancer. Cancer 2005; 104: 1004-1012.
  4. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, A. Karmolinski, R. Dworakowski, T. Wirth, M. Gruchala, A. Rynkiewicz, J. Skokowski, S. Yla-Herttuala, K. Jaśkiewicz, E. Częstochowska. Clinical significance of apoptotic index in non-small cell lung cancer: correlation with p53, mdm2, pRb and p21WAF1/CIP1 protein expression. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2005; 131: 617-623.
  5. O. Feher, P. Vodvarka, J. Jassem, G. Morack, S. H. Advani, K. S. Khoo, D. C. Doval, S. Ermisch, D. Roychowdhury, M. A. Miller & G. von Minckwitz. First-line gemcitabineversus epirubicin in postmenopausal women aged 60 or older with metastatic breast cancer: a multicenter,randomized, phase III study. Ann Oncol 2005; 16: 899–908.
  6. E. Senkus-Konefka, R. Dziadziuszko, E. Bednaruk-Młyński, A. Pliszka, J. Kubrak, A. Lewandowska, K. Małachowski, M. Wierzchowski, E. Chyczewska, M. Matecka-Nowak,  J. Jassem. A prospective, randomized study to compare the value of two fractionation schedules of palliative radiotherapy for inoperable non-small cell lung cancer. Br J Cancer 2005; 92: 1038-1045.
  7. E. Jassem, K. Serkies, R. Dziadziuszko, A. Drozdowska, G. Kobierska-Gulida, J. Skokowski,  S. Góźdź, A. Urbaniak, J. Sygut, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of S-100 immunostaining in tumor cells of non-small cell lung cancer. Biomarkers 2006; 11: 262-269.
  8. K. Serkies, J. Jassem, R. Dziadziuszko. Chemotherapy with mitomycin C, ifosfamide, and cisplatin for recurrent or persistent cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2006; 16: 1152-1156.
  9. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, R. Schneider-Stock, H. Wiedorn, J. Skokowski, K. Jaśkiewicz, E. Częstochowska. MDM2 gene amplification and expression in non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Adv Clin Exp Med 2006; 15: 589-593.
  10. M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, A. Żaczek, B. Brandt, K. P. Bielawski, J. Jaśkiewicz, K. Konopa, J. Jassem. (CA)n microsatellite polymorphism of ERBB-1 in breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 2006; 42: 1698-1701.
  11. K. Serkies, A. Badzio, J. Jassem. Clinical relevance of hemoglobin level in cervical cancer patients administered definitive radiotherapy. Acta Oncol 2006; 45: 695-701.
  12. J.Y. Douillard, R. Rosell, M. De Lena, F. Carpagnano, R. Ramlau, J.L. Gonzales-Larriba, T. Grodzki, J.R. Pereira, A. Le Groumellec, V. Lorusso, C. Clary, A.J. Torres, J. Dahabreh, P.J. Souquet, J. Astudillo, P. Fournel, A. Artal-Cortes, J. Jassem, L. Koubkova, P. His, M. Riggi, P. Hurteloup. Adjuvant vinorelbine plus cisplatin versus observation in patients with completely resected stage IB-IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer (Adjuvant Navelbine International Trialist Association [ANITA]): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Oncol 2006; 9: 719-727.
  13. J.A. BonnerP. M. HarariJ. GiraltN. Azarnia, D. M. Shin, R. B. Cohen, C.U. Jones, R. Sur, D. Raben, J. Jassem, R. Ove, M. S. Kies, J. Baselga, H. Youssoufian, N. Amellal, E.K. Rowinsky, K.K. Ang. Radiotherapy plus cetuximab for squamous-cell carcinoma of the head and neck. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 567-578.
  14. L. Beex, C. Rose, H. Mouridsen, J. Jassem, M. Nooij, J. Estape, R. Pariadens, M. Piccart, T. Gorlia, S. Lardenoije, L. Naila. Continuous versus intermittent tamoxifen versus intermittent/alternated tamoxifen and medroxyprogesterone acetate as first line endocrine treatment in advanced breast cancer: An EORTC phase III study (10863). Eur J Cancer 2006; 42: 3178-3185.
  15. Szymanowska, E. Jassem, R. Dziadziuszko, A. Borg, J. Limon, G. Kobierska-Gulida, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem. Increased risk of non-small cell lung cancer and frequency of somatic TP53 gene mutations in Pro72 carriers of TP53 Arg72Pro polymorphism. Lung Cancer 2006; 52: 9-14.
  16. R.C. Coombes, L.S. Kilburn, C.F. Snowdon, R. Paridaens, R.E. Coleman, S.E. Jones, J. Jassem, C.J. Van de Velde, T. Delozier, I. Alvarez, L. Del Mastro, O. Ortmann, K. Diedrich, A. S. Coates, E. Bajetta, S. B. Holmberg, D. Dodwell, E. Mickiewicz, J. Andersen, P. E. Lonning, G. Cocconi, J. Forbes, M. Castiglione, N. Stuart, A. Stewart, L.J. Fallowfield, G. Bertelli, E. Hall, R. G. Bogle, M. Carpentieri, E. Colajori, M. Subar, E. Ireland, J. M. Bliss. Survival and safety of exemestane versus tamoxifen after 2-3 years' tamoxifen treatment (Intergroup Exemestane Study): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2007; 369: 559-570.
  17. D. Curran, J. Giralt, P. M. Harari, K. K. Ang, R. B. Cohen, M. S. Kies, J. Jassem, J. Baselga, E. K. Rowinsky, N. Amellal, S. Comte, J. A. Bonner. Quality of life in head and neck cancer patients after treatment with high-dose radiotherapy alone or in combination with cetuximab. J Clin Oncol 2007; 25: 2191-2197.
  18. R. Rosell, M. Skrzypski, E. Jassem, M. Taron, R. Bartolucci, J.J. Sanchez, P. Mendez, I. Chaib, L. Perez-Roca, A. Szymanowska, W. Rzyman, F. Puma, G. Kobierska-Gulida, R. Farabi, J. Jassem. BRCA1: A novel prognostic factor in resected non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS ONE 2007; 11: e1129.
  19. J. Jassem, R. Ramlau, A. Santoro, W. Schuette, A. Chemaissani, S. Hong, J. Blatter, S. Adachi, A. Hanauske, Ch. Manegold: Phase III Trial of pemetrexed plus best supportive care compared with best supportive care in previously treated patients with advanced malignant pleural mesothelioma. J Clin Oncol 2008; 26: 1698-1704.
  20. L. Holmberg, O. E. Iversen, C. M. Rudenstam, M. Hammar, E. Kumpulainen, J. Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem, D. Dobaczewska, H.E. Fjosne, O. Peralta, R. Arriagada, M. Holmqvist, J. Maenpa J, HABITS Study Group. Increased risk of recurrence after hormone replacement therapy in breast cancer survivors. J Natl Cancer Inst 2008; 100: 475-482.
  21. Żaczek, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, K. P. Bielawski, J. Jaśkiewicz, A. Badzio, W. Olszewski, P. Rhone, J. Jassem.  Gene copy numbers of HER family in breast cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2008; 134: 271-279.
  22. R. Ramlau, P. Zatloukal, J. Jassem, P. Schwarzenberger, S.V. Orlov, M. Gottfried, J.R. Pereira, G. Temperley, R. Negro-Vilar, S. Rahal, J.K. Zhang, A. Negro-Vilar, Z. Dziewanowska. Randomized phase III trial comparing bexarotene (L1069-49)/cisplatin/vinorelbine with cisplatin/vinorelbine in chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced or metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer: SPIRIT I. J Clin Oncol. 2008; 26: 1886-1892.
  23. M. Skrzypski, E. Jassem, M. Taron, J.J. Sanchez, P. Mendez, W. Rzyman, G. Gulida, D. Raz, D Jablons, M Provencio, B Massuti, I Chaib, L Perez-Roca, J Jassem, R Rosell. Three-gene expression signature predicts survival in early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 14: 4794-4799.
  24. M. Krajewska, S. Kitada, J.N. Winter, D. Variakojis, A. Lichtenstein, D. Zhai, M. Cuddy, X. Huang, F. Luciano, C.H. Baker, H. Kim, E. Shin, S. Kennedy, A.H. Olson, A. Badzio, J. Jassem, I. Meinhold-Heerlein, M.J. Duffy, A.D. Schimmer, M. Tsao, E. Brown, A Sawyers, M Andreeff, D Mercola, M. Krajewski, J.C. Reed. Bcl-B expression in human epithelial and nonepithelial malignancies. Clin Cancer Res 2008; 14: 3011-3021.
  25. T. Burzykowski, M. Buyse, M.J. Piccart-Gebhart, G. Sledge, J. Carmichael, H.J. Lück, J.R. Mackey, J.M. Nabholtz, R. Paridaens, L. Biganzoli, J. Jassem, M. Bontenbal, J. Bonneterre, S. Chan, G.A. Basaran, P Therasse. Evaluation of tumor response, disease control, progression-free survival, and time to progression as potential surrogate end points in metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2008; 26: 1987-1992.
  26. M.J. Piccart-Gebhart, T. Burzykowski, M. Buyse, G. Sledge, J. Carmichael, H.J. Lück, J.R. Mackey, J.M. Nabholtz, P.R. aridaens, L. Biganzoli, J. Jassem, M. Bontenbal, J. Bonneterre, S. Chan, Basaran G.A., P. Therasse. Taxanes alone or in combination with anthracyclines as first-line therapy of pa tients with metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2008; 26: 1980-1986.
  27. P. Roepman, J. Jassem, E.F. Smit, T. Muley, J. Niklinski, T. van de Velde, A.T. Witteveen, W. Rzyman, A. Floore, S. Burgers, G. Giaccone, M. Meister, H. Dienemann, M. Skrzypski, M. Kozlowski, W.J. Mooi, N. van Zandwijk. An immune response enriched 72-gene prognostic profile for early-stage non-small-cell lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2009; 15: 284-290.
  28. P. Farmer, H. Bonnefoi, P. Anderle, D. Cameron, P. Wirapati, V. Becette, S. André, M. Piccart, M. Campone, E. Brain, G. Macgrogan, T. Petit, J. Jassem, F. Bibeau, E. Blot, J. Bogaerts, M. Aguet, J. Bergh, R. Iggo, M. Delorenzi. A stroma-related gene signature predicts resistance to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Nat Med 2009; 15: 68-74.
  29. J. Jassem, T. Pienkowski, A. Pluzanska, S. Jelic, V. Gorbunova, J. Berzins, T. Nagykalnai, L. Biganzoli, A. Aloe, L. Astier, S. Munier. Doxorubicin and paclitaxel versus fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide as first-line therapy for women with advanced breast cancer: long-term analysis of the previously published trial. Onkologie 2009; 32: 468-472.
  30. M.A. Socinski, E.F. Smit, P. Lorigan, K. Konduri, M. Reck, A. Szczesna, J. Blakely, P. Serwatowski, N.A. Karaseva, T. Ciuleanu, J. Jassem, M. Dediu, S. Hong, C. Visseren-Grul, A.R. Hanauske, C.K. Obasaju, S.C. Guba, N. Thatcher. Phase III study of pemetrexed plus carboplatin compared with etoposide plus carboplatin in chemotherapy-naive patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 2009; 27: 4787-4792.
  31. X.B. Pivot, R.K. Li, E.S. Thomas, H.C. Chung, L.E. Fein, V.F. Chan, J. Jassem, F.H. de Mendoza, P. Mukhopadyay, H.H. Roché. Activity of ixabepilone in oestrogen receptor-negative and oestrogen receptor-progesterone receptor-human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative metastatic breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 2009; 45: 2940-2946.
  32. J. Jassem, C. Carroll, S.E. Ward, E. Simpson, D. Hind.  The clinical efficacy of cytotoxic agents in locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer patients pretreated with an anthracycline and a taxane: a systematic review. Eur J Cancer 2009; 45: 2749-2758.
  33. D. Dworakowska, E. Jassem, J. Jassem, A. Karmoliński, M. Lapiński, D. Tomaszewski, W. Rzyman, K. Jaśkiewicz, K. Sworczak, A.B. Grossman. Prognostic value of the apoptotic index analysed jointly with selected cell cycle regulators and proliferation markers in non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2009; 66: 127-133.
  34. J. Jassem, T. Pienkowski, A. Pluzanska, S. Jelic, V. Gorbunova, J. Berzins, T. Nagykalnai, L. Biganzoli, A. Aloe, L. Astier, S. Munier. Doxorubicin and paclitaxel versus fluorouracil, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide as first-line therapy for women with advanced breast cancer: long-term analysis of the previously published trial. Onkologie 2009; 32: 468-472.
  35. G. Bertelli, E. Hall, E. Ireland, C.F. Snowdon, J. Jassem, K. Drosik, H. Karnicka-Mlodkowska, R.C. Coombes, J.M. Bliss. Long-term endometrial effects in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer participating in the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES) - a randomised controlled trial of exemestane versus continued tamoxifen after 2-3 years tamoxifen. Ann Oncol 2010; 21: 498-505.
  36. A.M. Wardley, X. Pivot, F. Morales-Vasquez, L.M. Zetina, M. de Fátima Dias Gaui, D.O. Reyes, J. Jassem, C. Barton, P. Button, V. Hersberger, A.A. Torres. Randomized Phase II Trial of First-Line Trastuzumab Plus Docetaxel and Capecitabine Compared With Trastuzumab Plus Docetaxel in HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28: 976-983.
  37. M. Krzakowski, R. Ramlau, J. Jassem, A. Szczesna, P. Zatloukal, J. Von Pawel, X. Sun, J. Bennouna, A. Santoro, B. Biesma, F.M. Delgado, Y. Salhi, N. Vaissiere, O. Hansen, E.H. Tan, E. Quoix, P. Garrido, J.Y. Douillard. Phase III Trial Comparing Vinflunine With Docetaxel in Second-Line Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Previously Treated With Platinum-Containing Chemotherapy. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 2167-2173.
  38. R. Dziadziuszko, D.T. Merrick, S.E. Witta, A.D. Mendoza, B. Szostakiewicz, A. Szymanowska, W. Rzyman, K. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, P.A. Bunn Jr, M. Varella-Garcia, F.R. Hirsch. Insulin-like growth factor receptor 1 (IGF1R) gene copy number is associated with survival in operable non-small-cell lung cancer: A comparison between IGF1R fluorescent in situ hybridization, protein expression, and mRNA expression. J Clin Oncol. 2010; 28: 2174-2180.
  39. M. Maio, A. Mackiewicz, A. Testori, U. Trefzer, V. Ferraresi, J. Jassem, C. Garbe, T. Lesimple, B. Guillot, P. Gascon, K. Gilde, R. Camerini, F. Cognetti, Thymosin Melanoma Investigation Group. Large randomized study of thymosin alpha 1, interferon alfa, or both in combination with dacarbazine in patients with metastatic melanoma. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 1780-1787.
  40. G.N. Hortobagyi, H.L. Gomez, R.K. Li, H.C. Chung, L.E. Fein, V.F. Chan, J. Jassem, G.L. Lerzo, X.B. Pivot, F. Hurtado de Mendoza, B. Xu, L.T. Vahdat, R.A. Peck, P. Mukhopadhyay, H.H. Roché. Analysis of overall survival from a phase III study of ixabepilone plus capecitabine versus capecitabine in patients with MBC resistant to anthracyclines and taxanes. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2010; 22: 409-418.
  41. J.Y. Douillard, S. Siena, J. Cassidy, J. Tabernero, R. Burkes, M. Barugel, Y. Humblet, G. Bodoky, D. Cunningham, J. Jassem, F. Rivera, I. Kocákova, P. Ruff, M. Błasińska-Morawiec, M. Šmakal, J.L. Canon, M. Rother, K.S. Oliner, M. Wolf, J. Gansert. Randomized, phase III trial of panitumumab with infusional fluorouracil, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4) versus FOLFOX4 alone as first-line treatment in patients with previously untreated metastatic colorectal cancer: the PRIME study. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 4697-4705.
  42. Badzio, M.W. Wynes, R. Dziadziuszko, D.T. Merrick, M. Pardo, W. Rzyman, A. Kowalczyk, S. Singh, J.Ranger-Moore, G. Manriquez, F. Gaire, J. Jassem, F.R. Hirsch. Increased insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor protein expression and gene copy number in small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2010; 5: 1905-1911.
  43. H. Roché, P. Conte, E.A. Perez, J.A. Sparano, B. Xu, J. Jassem, R. Peck, T. Kelleher, G.N. Hortobagyi. Ixabepilone plus capecitabine in metastatic breast cancer patients with reduced performance status previously treated with anthracyclines and taxanes: a pooled analysis by performance status of efficacy and safety data from 2 phase III studies. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011; 125: 755-765.
  44. H. Bonnefoi, M. Piccart, J. Bogaerts, L. Mauriac, P. Fumoleau, E. Brain, T. Petit, P. Rouanet, J. Jassem, E. Blot, K. Zaman, T. Cufer, A. Lortholary, E. Lidbrink, S. André, S. Litière, L. Dal Lago, V. Becette, D.A. Cameron, J. Bergh, R. Iggo, on behalf of the EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 Study Investigators. TP53 status for prediction of sensitivity to taxane versus non-taxane neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer (EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00): a randomised phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 527–539.
  45. D.M. Glubb, E. Cerri, A. Giese, W. Zhang, O. Mirza, E.E. Thompson, P. Chen, S. Das, J. Jassem, W. Rzyman, M W. Lingen, R. Salgia, F.R. Hirsch, R. Dziadziuszko, K. Ballmer-Hofer, F. Innocenti. Novel Functional Germline Variants in the VEGF Receptor 2 Gene and Their Effect on Gene Expression and Microvessel Density in Lung Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2011; 17: 5257-5267.
  46. C. Manegold, N. van Zandwijk, A. Szczesna, P. Zatloukal, J.S. Au, M. Blasinska-Morawiec, P. Serwatowski, M. Krzakowski, J. Jassem, E.H. Tan, R.J. Benner, A. Ingrosso, S.J. Meech, D. Readett, N.Thatcher. A phase III randomized study of gemcitabine and cisplatin with or without PF-3512676 (TLR9 agonist) as first-line treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2012; 23: 72–77.
  47. K. Serkies, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem. Continuous 7-Days-a-Week External Beam Irradiation in Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer: Final Results of the Phase I/II Study. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012; 82: 1256-1261.
  48. J. Jassem, L. Fein, M. Karwal, M. Campone, R. Peck, V. Poulart, L. Vahdat. Ixabepilone plus capecitabine in advanced breast cancer patients with early relapse after adjuvant anthracyclines and taxanes: A pooled subset analysis of two phase III studies. Breast 2012; 21: 89-94.
  49. J.M. Bliss, L.S. Kilburn, R.E. Coleman, J.F. Forbes, A.S. Coates, S.E. Jones, J. Jassem, T. Delozier, J. Andersen, R. Paridaens, C.J. van de Velde, P.E. Lønning, J. Morden, J. Reise, L. Cisar, T. Menschik, R.C. Coombes. Disease-Related Outcomes With Long-Term Follow-Up: An Updated Analysis of the Intergroup Exemestane Study. J Clin Oncol. 2012; 30: 709-717.
  50. R. Duchnowska, W. Biernat, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Sperinde, F. Piette, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, P. Wysocki, T. Jankowski, B. Radecka, M. Foszczynska-Kłoda, M. Litwiniuk, S. Debska, J. Weidler, W. Huang, M. Buyse, M. Bates, J.Jassem. Correlation between quantitative HER-2 protein expression and risk for brain metastases in HER-2+ advanced breast cancer patients receiving trastuzumab-containing therapy. Oncologist 2012; 17: 26-35.
  51. A.J. Żaczek, A. Markiewicz, B. Seroczyńska, J. Skokowski, J. Jaskiewicz, T. Pieńkowski, W.P. Olszewski, J. Szade, P. Rhone, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem. Prognostic significance of TOP2A gene dosage in HER-2-negative breast cancer. Oncologist 2012; 17: 1246-1255.
  52. C. Manegold, N. van Zandwijk, A. Szczesna, P. Zatloukal, J.S. Au, M. Blasinska-Morawiec, P. Serwatowski, M. Krzakowski, J. Jassem, E.H. Tan, R.J. Benner, A. Ingrosso, S.J. Meech, D. Readett, N. Thatcher. A phase III randomized study of gemcitabine and cisplatin with or without PF-3512676 (TLR9 agonist) as first-line treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2012; 23: 72-77.
  53. R. Dziadziuszko, M.W. Wynes, S. Singh, B.R. Asuncion, J. Ranger-Moore, K. Konopa, W. Rzyman, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Jassem, F.R. Hirsch. Correlation between MET gene copy number by silver in situ hybridization and protein expression by immunohistochemistry in non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2012; 7: 340-347.
  54. Żaczek, A. Markiewicz, A. Supernat, N. Bednarz-Knoll, B. Brandt, B. Seroczyńska, J. Skokowski, J. Szade, P. Czapiewski, W. Biernat, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of TOP2A gene amplification and chromosome 17 polysomy in early breast cancer. Pathol Oncol Res 2012; 18: 885-894.
  55. M.W. Wynes, K. Konopa, S. Singh, B. Reyna-Asuncion, J. Ranger-Moore, A. Sternau, D.C. Christoph, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, F.R. Hirsch. Thymidylate synthase protein expression by IHC and gene copy number by SISH correlate and show great variability in non-small cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol. 2012; 7: 982-992.
  56. R. Duchnowska, R. Dziadziuszko, T. Trojanowski, T. Mandat, W. Och, B. Czartoryska- Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, W. Olszewski, F. Szubstarski, W. Kozłowski, B. Jarosz, W. Rogowski, A. Kowalczyk, J. Limon, W. Biernat, J. Jassem; the Polish Brain Metastasis Consortium. Conversion of epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and hormone receptor expression in breast cancer metastases to the brain. Breast Cancer Res 2012; 14: R119.
  57. G. Minuti, F. Cappuzzo, R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, A. Fabi, T. O'Brien, A.D. Mendoza, L.Landi, W. Biernat, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, T. Jankowski, D. Zuziak, J. Zok, B. Szostakiewicz, M. Foszczyńska-Kłoda, A. Tempińska-Szałach, E. Rossi, M. Varella-Garcia. Increased MET and HGF gene copy numbers are associated with trastuzumab failure in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Br J Cancer 2012; 107: 793-799.
  58. M. Campone, N. Dobrovolskaya, S. Tjulandin, S.-C. Chen, S. Fourie, F. Mefti, M. Konstantinova, F. Lefresne, N. Meheust, J. Jassem. A three-arm randomized phase II study of oral vinorelbine plus capecitabine versus oral vinorelbine and capecitabine in sequence versus docetaxel plus capecitabine in patients with metastatic breast cancer previously treated with anthracyclines. Breast J 2013; 19: 240-249.
  59. I.J. Majewski, L. Mittempergher, N.M. Davidson, A. Bosma, S.M. Willems, H.M. Horlings, I. de Rink, L. Greger, G.K. Hooijer, D. Peters, P.M. Nederlof, I. Hofland, J. de Jong, J. Wesseling, R.J. Kluin, W. Brugman, R. Kerkhoven, F. Nieboer, P. Roepman, A. Broeks, T.R. Muley, J Jassem, J. Niklinski, N. van Zandwijk, A. Brazma, A. Oshlack, M. van den Heuvel, R. Bernards. Identification of recurrent FGFR3 fusion genes in lung cancer through kinome-centered RNA sequencing. J Pathol 2013; 230: 270–276.
  60. E. Senkus, J. Szade, B. Pieczyńska, A. Żaczek, I. Brożek, B. Radecka, A. Kowalczyk, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Jassem. Are bilateral breast cancers different from breast cancers coexisting with ovarian cancer? An immunohistochemical analysis aimed at intrinsic tumor phenotype. Breast 2013; 22: 425-430.
  61. J. Vansteenkiste, M. Zielinski, A. Linder, J. Dahabreh, E.E. Gonzalez, W. Malinowski, M. Lopez-Brea, T. Vanakesa, J. Jassem, H. Kalofonos, J. Perdeus, R. Bonnet, J. Basko, R. Janilionis, B. Passlick, T. Treasure, M. Gillet, F.F. Lehmann, V.G. Brichard. Adjuvant MAGE-A3 Immunotherapy in Resected Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Phase II Randomized Study Results. J Clin Oncol 2013; 31: 2396-2403.
  62. Markiewicz, M. Wełnicka-Jaśkiewicz, J. Skokowski,  J. Jaśkiewicz, J. Szade, J. Jassem, A. J. Żaczek. Prognostic Significance of ESR1 Amplification and ESR1 PvuII, CYP2C19*2, UGT2B15*2 Polymorphisms in Breast Cancer Patients. PlosOne 2013; 8: e72219.
  63. J. –Y. Douillard, K.S. Oliner, S. Siena, J. Tabernero, R. Burkes, M. Barugel, Y. Humblet, G. Bodoky, D. Cunningham, J. Jassem, F. Rivera, I. Kocákova, P. Ruff, M. Błasińska-Morawiec, M. Šmakal, J. L. Canon, M. Rother, R. Williams, A. Rong, J. Wiezorek, R. Sidhu, S. D. Patterson. Panitumumab–FOLFOX4 Treatment and RAS Mutations in Colorectal Cancer. N Engl J Med 2013; 369: 1023-1034.
  64. J. Jassem, V. Ozmen, F. Bacanu, M. Drobniene, J. Eglitis, K. C. Lakshmaiah, Z. Kahan, J. Mardiak, T. Pieńkowski, T. Semiglazova, L. Stamatovic, C. Timcheva, S. Vasovic, D. Vrbanec, P. Zaborek. Delays in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: a multinational analysis. Eur J Public Health 2013; 1–7; doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckt131.
  65. M. Skrzypski, R. Dziadziuszko, E. Jassem, A. Szymanowska-Narloch, G. Gulida, R. Rzepko, W. Biernat, M. Taron, M. Jelitto-Górska, T. Marjański, W. Rzyman, R. Rosell, J.Jassem. Main Histologic Types of Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Differ in Expression of Prognosis-related Genes. Clin Lung Cancer 2013; 14: 666-673.
  66. K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, R. Duchnowska, P. Winczura, A. Badzio, H. Majewska, J. Lakomy, R. Pęksa, B. Pieczyńska, B. Radecka, S. Dębska, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Immunohistochemical prediction of brain metastases in patients with advanced breast cancer: the role of Rad51. Breast 2013; 22: 1178-1183.
  67. Szymanowska-Narloch, E. Jassem, M. Skrzypski, T. Muley, M. Meister, H. Dienemann, M. Taron, R. Rosell, R. Rzepko, M. Jarząb, T. Marjański, R. Pawłowski, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem. Molecular profiles of non-small cell lung cancers in cigarette smoking and never-smoking patients. Adv Med Sci 2013; 58: 196-206.
  68. M. Skrzypski, P. Czapiewski, K. Goryca, E. Jassem, L. Wyrwicz, R. Pawłowski, W. Rzyman, W. BIernat, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of microRNA expression in operable non-small cell lung cancer patients. Br J Cancer 2014; 110: 991-1000.
  69. Láng, R. Bell, F. Y. Feng, R. I. Lopez, J. Jassem, V. Semiglazov, N. Al-Sakaff, D. Heinzmann, J. Chang. Trastuzumab retreatment after relapse on adjuvant trastuzumab therapy for human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer: final results of the retreatment after herceptin adjuvant trial. Clin Oncol 2014; 26: 81-89.
  70. E. Senkus, J. Szade, B. Pieczyńska, A. Żaczek, J. Pikiel, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, A. Karpińska, J. Jassem. Are synchronous and metachronous bilateral breast cancers different? An immunohistochemical analysis aimed at intrinsic tumor phenotype. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2014; 7: 353-363.
  71. M. Lawler, T. Le Chevalier, M. J. Murphy, Jr., I. Banks, P. Conte, F. De Lorenzo, F. Meunier, H. M. Pinedo, P. Selby, J.-P. Armand, M. Barbacid, M. Barzach, J. Bergh, G. Bode, D. A. Cameron, F. de Braud, A. de Gramont, V. Diehl, S. Diler, S. Erdem, J. M. Fitzpatrick, J. Geissler, D. Hollywood, L. Højgaard, D. Horgan, JACEK JASSEM, P. W. Johnson, P. Kapitein, J. Kelly, S. Kloezen, C. La Vecchia, B. Löwenberg, K. Oliver, R. Sullivan, J. Tabernero, C. J. van de Velde, N. Wilking, R. Wilson, Ch. Zielinski, H. zur Hausen, P. G. Johnston.Tytuł oryginału: A catalyst for change : The European Cancer Patient's Bill of Rights. Oncologist 2014; 19: 217-224.
  72. E. Senkus, J. Szade, B. PIeczyńska, A. Żaczek, M. Świerblewski, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Are bilateral breast cancers and breast cancers coexisting with ovarian cancer different from solitary tumors? A pair-matched immunohistochemical analysis aimed at intrinsic tumor phenotype. Pathol Int 2014; 64: 508-517.
  73. J. Jassem, V. Ozmen, F. Bacanu, M. Drobniene, J. Eglitis, K. C. Lakshmaiah, Z. Kahan, J. Mardiak, T. Pieńkowski, T. Semiglazova, L. Stamatovic, C. Timcheva, S. Vasovic, D. Vrbanec, P. Zaborek. Delays in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: a multinational analysis. Eur J Public Health 2014; 24: 761-767.
  74. S. Woditschka, L. Evans, R. Duchnowska, L. T. Reed, D. Palmieri, Y. Qian, S. Badve, G. Sledge Jr., B. Gril, M. I. Aladjem, H. Fu, N. M. Flores, Y. Gökmen-Polar, WOJCIECH BIERNAT, EWA SZUTOWICZ-ZIELIŃSKA, T. Mandat, T. Trojanowski, W. Och, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, JACEK JASSEM, J. B. Mitchell, P. S. Steeg. DNA double-strand break repair genes and oxidative damage in brain metastasis of breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2014; 106: 1-13.
  75. K. M Cummings, C. M. Dresler, J. K. Field, F. R. C. Path, J. Fox, E. R. Gritz, N. H. Hanna, N. Ikeda, J. Jassem, J. L. Mulshine, M. J. Peters, N. H. Yamaguchi, G. Warren, C. Zhou.E-cigarettes and cancer patients. J Thorac Oncol 2014; 9: 438-441.
  76. M. W. Wynes, T. K. Hinz, D. Gao, M. Martini, L. A. Marek, K. E. Ware, M. G. Edwards, D. Böhm, S. Perner, B. A. Helfrich, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, S. Wojtylak, A. Sejda, J. M. Gozgit, P. A. Bunn Jr., D. R. Camidge, A.-Ch. Tan, F. R. Hirsch, L. E. Heasley. FGFR1 mRNA and protein expression, not gene copy number, predict FGFR TKI sensitivity across all lung cancer histologies. Clin Cancer Res 2014; 20: 3299-3309.
  77. J. Y. Douillard, S. Siena, J. Cassidy, J. Tabernero, R. Burkes, M. Barugel, Y. Humblet, G. Bodoky, D. Cunningham, J. Jassem, F. Rivera, I. Kocákova, P. Ruff, M. Błasińska-Morawiec, M. Šmakal, J. L. Canon, M. Rother, K. S. Oliner, Y. Tian, F. Xu, R. Sidhu. Final results from PRIME: randomized phase III study of panitumumab with FOLFOX4 for first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Ann Oncol 2014; 25: 1346-1355.
  78. S. Peters, W. Weder, U. Dafni, K. M. Kerr, L. Bubendorf, P. Meldgaard, K. J. O'Byrne, A. Wrona, J. Vansteenkiste, E. Felip, A. Marchetti, S. Savic, S. Lu, E. Smit, A.-M. Dingemans, F. H. Blackhall, P. Baas, C. Camps, R. Rosell, R. A. Stahel i wsp., m. in. R. Dziadziuszko, W. Biernat, A. Sejda, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem. Lungscape: resected non-small-cell lung cancer outcome by clinical and pathological parameters. J Thorac Oncol 2014; 9: 1675-1684.
  79. K. Dziadziuszko, E. Szurowska, J. Pieńkowska, J. Jassem, R. Dziadziuszko. Miliary brain metastases in a patient with ROS1-rearranged lung adenocarcinoma: a case report. J Thorac Oncol 2014; 9: e34-e36.
  80. J. Bennouna, L. Havel, M. Krzakowski, J. Kollmeier, R. Gervais, E. Dansin, M. Serke, A. Favaretto, A. Szczesna, M. Cobo, L. Ciuffreda, J. Jassem, M. Nicolini, R. Ramlau, D. Amoroso, B. Melotti, T. Almodovar, M. Riggi, N.-R. Caux, N. Vaissière, E.-H. Tan. Oral vinorelbine plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in nonsquamous non-small-cell lung cancer: final results of an international randomized phase II study (NAVotrial 01). Clin Lung Cancer 2014; 15: 258-265.
  81. H. Bonnefoi, S. Litière, M. Piccart, G. MacGrogan, P. Fumoleau, E. Brain, T. Petit, P. Rouanet, J. Jassem, C. Moldovan, A. Bodmer, K. Zaman, T. Cufer, M. Campone, E. Luporsi, P. Malmström, G. Werutsky, J. Bogaerts, J. Bergh, D. A. Cameron. Pathological complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an independent predictive factor irrespective of simplified breast cancer intrinsic subtypes: a landmark and two-step approach analyses from EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 phase III trial. Ann Oncol 2014; 25: 1128-1136.
  82. D. Palmieri, R. Duchnowska, S. Woditschka, E. Hua, Y. Qian, W. Biernat, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, B. Gril, A. M. Stark, S. M. Hewitt, D. J. Liewehr, S. M. Steinberg, J. Jassem, P. S. Steeg. Profound prevention of experimental brain metastases of breast cancer by temozolomide in an MGMT-dependent manner. Clin Cancer Res 2014; 20: 2727-2739.
  83. M. Skrzypski, P. Czapiewski, K. Goryca, E. Jassem, L. Wyrwicz, R. Pawłowski, W. Rzyman, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Prognostic value of microRNA expression in operable non-small cell lung cancer patients. Br J Cancer 2014; 110: 991-1000.
  84. R. Duchnowska, J. Sperinde, A. Chenna, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, J. M. Weidler, W. Huang, J. Winslow, T. Jankowski, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, P. J. Wysocki, M. Foszczyńska-Kłoda, B. Radecka, M. M. Litwinuk, J. Żok, M. Wiśniewski, D. Zuziak, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Quantitative measurements of tumoral p95HER2 protein expression in metastatic breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab: independent validation of the p95HER2 clinical cutoff. Clin Cancer Res 2014; 20: 2805-2813.
  85. C. J. Langer, S. Novello, K. Park, M. Krzakowski, D. D. Karp, T. Mok, R. J. Benner, J. R. Scranton, A. J. Olszanski, J. Jassem. Randomized, phase III trial of first-line figitumumab in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin versus paclitaxel and carboplatin alone in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. J Clin Oncol 2014; 32: 2059-2066.
  86. L. R. Saunders, A. J. Bankovich, W. C. Anderson, M. A. Aujay, S. Bheddah, K. Black, R. Desai, P. A. Escarpe, J. Hampl, A. Laysang, D. Liu, J. Lopez-Molina, A. Park, M. A. Pysz, H. Shao, B. Slingerland, M. Torgov, S. A. Williams, O. Foord, P. Howard, J. Jassem, A. Badzio, P. Czapiewski, D. H. Harpole, A. Dowlati, P. P. Massion, W. D. Travis, M. C. Pietanza, J. T. Poirier, C. M. Rudin, R. A. Stull, S. J. Dylla. A DLL3-targeted antibody-drug conjugate eradicates high-grade pulmonary neuroendocrine tumor-initiating cells in vivo. Sci Transl Med 2015; 7: ID 302ra136, 1-13.
  87. J. Jassem, John R. Penrod, Amir Goren, Isabelle Gilloteau. Caring for relatives with lung cancer in Europe: an evaluation of caregivers' experience. Qual Life Res 2015; 24: 2843-2852.
  88. Aramburu, I. Zudaire, M. J. Pajares, J. Agorreta, A. Orta, M. D. Lozano, A. Gurpide, J. Gomez-Roman, J. A. Martinez-Climent, J. Jassem, M. Skrzypski, M. Suraokar, C. Behrens, I. I. Wistuba, R. Pio, A. Rubio, L. M. Montuenga. Combined clinical and genomic signatures for the prognosis of early stage non-small cell lung cancer based on gene copy number alterations. BMC Genomics 2015; 16: 1-10.
  89. L. Zhang, H. Yu, Andrzej Badzio, T. A. Boyle, H.-U. Schildhaus, X. Lu, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, M. Varella-Garcia, L. E. Heasley, A. A. Kowalewski, K. Ellison, G. Chen, C. Zhou, F. R. Hirsch. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 and related ligands in small-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2015; 10: 1083-1090.
  90. D. M. Glubb, L. Paré-Brunet, E. Jantus-Lewintre, C. Jiang, D. Crona, A. S. Etheridge, O. Mirza, W. Zhang, E. L. Seiser, W. Rzyman, J. Jassem, T. Auman, F. R. Hirsch, K. Owzar, C. Camps, R. Dziadziuszko, F. Innocenti. Functional FLT1 genetic variation is a prognostic factor for recurrence in stage I-III non-smal-cell lung cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2015; 10: 1067-1075.
  91. P. Winczura, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, R. Duchnowska, Andrzej Badzio, J. Lakomy, H. Majewska, R. Pęksa, B. Pieczynska, B. Radecka, S. Dębska-Szmich, K. Adamowicz, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Immunohistochemical predictors of bone metastases in breast cancer patients. Pathol Oncol Res 2015; 21: 1229-1236.
  92. O. Trédan, M. Campone, J. Jassem, R. Vyzula, B. Coudert, C. Pacilio, J. Prausova, A.-C. Hardy-Bessard, A. Arance, P. Mukhopadhyay, A. Aloe, H. Roché. Ixabepilone alone or with cetuximab as first-line treatment for advanced/metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Clin. Breast Cancer 2015; 15: 8-15.
  93. R. J. Motzer, T. E. Hutson, H. Glen, M. Dror Michaelson, A. Molina, T. Eisen, J. Jassem, J. Zolnierek, J. P. Maroto, B. Mellado, B. Melichar, J. Tomasek, A. Kremer, H.-J. Kim, K. Wood, C. Dutcus, J. Larkin. Lenvatinib, everolimus, and the combination in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a randomised, phase 2, open-label, multicentre trial. Lancet Oncol 2015; 16: 1473-1482.
  94. R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, Ch. P. Goswami, M. Dundar, Y. Gökmen-Polar, L. Li, S. Woditschka, W. Biernat, K. Sosińska-Mielcarek, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, Z. Tomasevic, P. Stępniak, K. Wojdan, G. W. Sledge Jr., P. S. Steeg, S. Badve. Predicting early brain metastases based on clinicopathological factors and gene expression analysis in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients. J Neurooncol 2015; 122: 205-216.
  95. V. Speirs, G. Viale, K. Mousa, C. Palmieri, S. N. Reed, H. Nicholas, M. Cheang, J. Jassem, P. E. Lonning, E. Kalaitzaki, C. J. H. van de Velde, B. B. Rasmussen, D. M. Verhoeven, A. M. Schaaban, J. M. S. Bartlett, J. M. Bliss, R. C. Coombes. Prognostic and predictive value of ERß1 and ERß2 in the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES)-first results from PathIES. Ann Oncol 2015; 26: 1890-1897.
  96. M. Jędrzejewski, Ch. Thallinger, M. Mrozik, G. Kornek, Ch. Zielinski, J. Jassem. Public perception of cancer care in Poland and Austria. Oncologist 2015; 20: 28-36.
  97. K. Serkies, Ewa Pawłowska, Joanna Kaminska, Joanna Lipniewicz, Magdalena Narkowicz, J. Jassem. Pulsed-dose-rate post-operative vaginal cuff brachytherapy for endometrial cancer: preliminary report. J Contemp Brachyther 2015; 7: 72-75.
  98. R. Duchnowska, J. Sperinde, A. Chenna, W. Huang, J. M. Weidler, J. Winslow, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, T. Trojanowski, T. Mandat, A. Kowalczyk, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, B. Jarosz, R. Staszkiewicz, E. Kalinka-Warzocha, M. Chudzik, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Quantitative HER2 and p95HER2 levels in primary breast cancers and matched brain metastases. Neuro-Oncology 2015; 17: 1241-1249.
  99. G. V. Scagliotti, I. Bondarenko, F. Blackhall, F. Barlesi, T.-C. Hsia, J. Jassem, J. Milanowski, S. Popat, J. M. Sanchez-Torres, S. Novello, R. J. Benner, S. Green, K. Molpus, J.-C. Soria, F. A. Shepherd. Randomized, phase III trial of figitumumab in combination with erlotinib versus erlotinib alone in patients with nonadenocarcinoma nonsmall-cell lung cancer. Ann Oncol 2015; 26: 497-504.
  100. P. Krawczyk, R. Ramlau, J. Chorostowska-Wynimko, T. Powrózek, M. A. Lewandowska, J. Limon, B. Wasąg, J. Pankowski, J. Kozielski, E. Kalinka-Warzocha, A. Szczęsna, K. Wojas-Krawczyk, M. Skroński, R. Dziadziuszko, P. Jaguś, Ewelina Antoszewska, J. Szumiło, B. Jarosz, A. Woźniak, W. Jóźwicki, W. Dyszkiewicz, M. Pasieka-Lis, D. M. Kowalski, M. Krzakowski, J. Jassem, J. Milanowski. The efficacy of EGFR gene mutation testing in various samples from non-small cell lung cancer patients: a multicenter retrospective study. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 2015; 141: 61-68.
  101. V. Diéras, H. Wildiers, J. Jassem, L. Y. Dirix, J.-P. Guastalla, P. Bono, S. A. Hurvitz, A. Gonçalves, G. Romieu, S. A. Limentani, G. Jerusalem, K. C. Laksmaiah, H. Roché, P. Sánchez-Rovira, T. Pienkowski, M. Á. Seguí Palmer, A. Li, Y.-N. Sun, Ch. A. Pickett, D. J. Slamon. Trebananib (AMG 386) plus weekly paclitaxel with or without bevacizumab as first-line therapy for HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: a phase 2 randomized study. Breast 2015; 24: 182-190.
  102. Jaesik Jeong, Robert Audet, Jenny Chang, Helen Wong, Scooter Willis, Brandon Young, Susan Edgerton, Ann Thor, George Sledge, Renata Duchnowska, J. Jassem, Krzysztof Adamowicz, Brian Leyland-Jones, Changyu Shen. A comparison between DASL and Affymetrix on probing the whole-transcriptome. J Korean Stat Soc 2016; 45: 149-155.
  103. N. Harbeck, C.-S. Huang, S. Hurvitz, D.-C. Yeh, Z. Shao, S.-A. Im, K. Hae Jung, K. Shen, J. Ro, J. Jassem, Q. Zhang, Y.-H. Im, M. Wojtukiewicz, Q. Sun, S.-C. Chen, R.-G. Goeldner, M. Uttenreuther-Fischer, B. Xu, M. Piccart-Gebhart. Afatinib plus vinorelbine versus trastuzumab plus vinorelbine in patients with HER2-overexpressing metastatic breast cancer who had progressed on one previous trastuzumab treatment (LUX-Breast 1): an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2016; 17: 357-366.
  104. J. Jassem. Alectinib in crizotinib-resistant, ALK-positive NSCLC. Lancet Oncol 2016; 17: 134-135.
  105. J. Jassem. Bright and dark sides of evidence-based medicine. Pol Arch Med Wewn 2016; 126: 347-351.
  106. J. F. Vansteenkiste, B. c. Cho, T. Vanakesa, T. De Pas, M. Zielinski, M. S. Kim, J. Jassem, M. Yoshimura, J. Dahabreh, H. Nakayama, L. Havel, H. Kondo, T. Mitsudomi, K. Zarogoulidis, O. A. Gladkov, K. Udud, H. Tada, H. Hoffman, A. Bugge, P. Taylor, E. E. Gonzalez, M. L. Liao, J. He, J.-L. Pujol, J. Louahed, M. Debois, V. Brichard, C. Debruyne, P. Therasse, N. Altorki. Efficacy of the MAGE-A3 cancer immunotherapeutic as adjuvant therapy in patients with resected MAGE-A3-positive non-small-cell lung cancer (MAGRIT): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Oncol 2016; 17: 822-835.
  107. R. Duchnowska, R. Pęksa, B. Radecka, T. Mandat, T. Trojanowski, B. Jarosz, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, W. P. Olszewski, W. Och, E. Kalinka-Warzocha, W. Kozłowski, A. Kowalczyk, S. Loi, W> Biernat, J. Jassem. Immune response in breast cancer brain metastases and their microenvironment: the role of the PD-1/PD-L axis. Breast Cancer Res 2016; 18: 1-11.
  108. R. Duchnowska, P. J. Wysocki, K. Korski, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, A. Niwińska, M. Orlikowska, B. Radecka, M. Studziński, R. Demlova, B. Ziółkowska, M. Merdalska, Ł. Hajac, P. Myśliwiec, D. Zuziak, S. Dębska-Szmich, I. Lang, M. Foszczyńska-Kłoda, B. Karczmarek-Borowska, A. Żawrocki, A. Kowalczyk, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Immunohistochemical prediction of lapatinib efficacy in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients. Oncotarget 2016; 7: 550-564.
  109. P. Widlak, M. Pietrowska, J. Polanska, M. Marczyk, M. Ros-Mazurczyk, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, W. Rzyman. Serum mass profile signature as a biomarker of early lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2016; 99: 46-52.

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